脱欧: 哪个结果最可能?


现在这个 boris 风评更加两极,所以千万不要低估工党实力

梅姨属于自不量力因为她没有个人魅力!Can’t lead!

大选如果要求二次公投的政党占了上风,欧盟不会让步,估计remain会赢. 二次公投估计就会逆转。


lib dem. 的manifesto主张revoke article50,直接cancel brexit,估计会吸引很多remain选民。
Brexit party另一极,主张leave with no deal。

Here is how the system would work.

– The assembly would have the opportunity to hold a simple majority vote on continuing the customs and regulatory arrangements four years after the end of the UK’s post-Brexit transition period. This would effectively prevent a DUP veto.
– If Northern Ireland were to vote to junk the system, a two-year cooling-off period would ensue.
– If the assembly decided to continue with the arrangements, a further opportunity to vote would arise four years later.
– There would then be two voting thresholds. A simple majority vote would keep the system in place for four years. However a weighted majority in favour, which means support from both nationalist and unionist communities, would keep it in place for eight years.
– If the Stormont assembly is not sitting, or if votes are not held, the arrangements would stay in place automatically.

The EU’s chief negotiator, Michel Barnier, said the new deal rests on four main elements:

That Northern Ireland will remain aligned to a limited set of EU rules, notably related to goods
That Northern Ireland will remain in the UK’s customs territory, but will “remain an entry point” into the EU’s single market
That there is an agreement to maintain the integrity of the single market and satisfy the UK’s legitimate wishes over VAT
That Northern Ireland representatives will be able to decide whether to continue applying union rules in Northern Ireland or not every four years




虽然接下来两天Boris还可以再和DUP谈谈交易,但个人觉得Boris最终目标本来就是拿个改善的deal,主打脱离关税同盟和单一市场,可以和其他国家签独立贸易协议(先不管能签什么协议),有了deal接下来大选就比需要去sell no deal要更容易拉选票,苏格兰的票本来就是放弃的(工党也拿不到),即使是不得不去续签三个月也会甩锅在remoaner的议会头上,说帮我换了这批自以为是的政客从而真正达成brexit,这样从始至终people vs politician主题一致。大选是肯定会强调工党烤饼一伙儿背叛退欧派,要是投brexit party结果就是不但让烤饼上台,而且极大可能弄个remain推翻上次的民主决定。



协议被拒后extension。接下来议会投票多数赞成进行大选或者通过no confidence vote进行大选。之前反对党无法就临时首相达成一致,没有进行no confidence vote。extension之后也不需要临时首相了。

北爱尔兰名义上是"a part of the UK’s customs territory", 实际上北爱尔兰和Great Britain之间还是要设置海关。
In a statement, the Democratic Unionists said Northern Ireland’s main East-West trade route would still be subject to EU customs rules, “notwithstanding that Northern Ireland will remain part of the UK customs territory”.
“All goods would be subject to a customs check regime regardless of their final destination,” the statement added, and the plan for a joint EU/UK committee would give the EU a “veto” on which goods would be exempt from tariffs or not.


What’s changed?

Northern Ireland will be aligned to the EU single market
The controversial “backstop” - that critics feared could have kept the UK in a customs union with the EU indefinitely - has been removed
Northern Ireland will instead remain a part of the UK’s customs territory, so it will be included in any future trade deals struck by the government after Brexit
But Northern Ireland will also remain an entry point into the EU’s customs zone. The UK will apply tariffs to products entering Northern Ireland as long as they are not destined for onward transportation across the border
A joint EU/UK committee will decide which goods are at risk of entering the single market and the UK will collect EU tariffs on them on behalf of the EU
The Northern Ireland Assembly - which has been suspended since January 2017 - will get a vote every four years on whether to continue with the new trading arrangements
The decision would be based on a simple majority, rather than requiring a majority of both unionists and nationalists to support the rules in order for them to pass

Juncker刚说这个deal够了,EU不会给续签了,要是有一个leader也同意的话,那么周六MP面临的就真是deal or no deal了

新DEAL 比梅的有什么改变吗




这个协议拿回到英国议会很可能就两个选项deal or no deal,你说议会过不了,那就是无协议脱欧了呗