
点评你最后一句话:有的人追求更大的自由,可是大多数的人就喜欢安于现状啊,就好像有的人不想脱欧,有的人偏要鼓动脱欧,为什么总有人不安于现状想改变现状,迫使其他大多数人也来适应,难道追求自由的人就不自私了吗。他们喜欢更自由喜欢更公平可以去其他国家,或者去月球,别打扰别人的生活。再或者参政,增加政治影响力,去做自己想做的事情。 改变就意味着uncertainty,很多人根本不想改变。







这些事我都不担心也看不懂,我就忧愁,据说好几十几万还是几百万香港人要来英国了,这以后房子 教育 Nhs又会更加拥挤不堪了。虽说他们基本都是精英都有钱,那也会占用社会资源吧。



The government states that BNO visa holders will be able to work or study freely in the UK, including applying for higher education courses. They will be able to use the NHS, but will not generally be entitled to claim benefits, a condition known as No Recourse to Public Funds.

BNOs and their family members will each have to pay the immigration health surcharge (IHS), up-front when applying for the visa, and for the visa’s duration. The IHS fee is £624 per year for an adult, with a lower per-year fee of £470 for a child. Therefore, an adult applying for the two-and-a-half year visa would pay £1,560 in IHS fees (and the same again on extension of the visa), while an adult applying for the five-year visa would be charged £3,120 in up-front IHS fees. Like most other migrants moving to the UK, BNOs will need to demonstrate that they can financially support themselves and any dependants for the first six months of their time in the UK.

The total cost in immigration fees for BNOs to become British citizens is presented in Table 1. It shows that the up-front cost for one adult Hong Kong BNO citizen to move to the UK under the route for five years is £3,370, with the total route to citizenship costing £6,965. For a family of three to become British citizens would cost almost £20,000.

现在就应该好好脱欧,把这些将要来英国蹭福利和医疗的东欧人挡在门外面!!他们来英国的代价太小,福利太好!英国人在东欧各国人数有限,而且东欧有什么福利可用?所以欧盟根本不存在互惠互利,只有杀富济贫,欧盟就是一个畸形产物,是德国不甘心一战二战统一欧洲失败而弄出来的畸形组织。本来就是一个欧洲煤炭贸易联盟,结果给弄成今天这个鬼样子。做贸易就做贸易,别想别的鬼花样,德国野心不死,法国和南欧诸国本来在二战期间就或主动或被动做为德国的联盟,只有英国have the guts 能跟德国对着干。


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