永居身份的人读Part Time Undergraduate

不懂就问,这样读书,还需要考雅思吗? {:5_144:}



永居按home student收费,到有个前提,就是你拿到永居前的三年,不能是以学生身份呆在英国。学生贷款的事就不清楚了。


university 给的decision 是 unconditional offer 从year 1 开始,之前在其它国家读过本来想从Year 2 开始的,我查过GOOGLE 上说“You may be able to get a loan if your part-time course has a ‘course intensity’ of 25% or more”

刚刚查了一下关于借贷款前要考虑的问题,麻烦学霸们翻译一下这句话“You’ll be due to start repaying your loan after four years have passed, or after you finish your course if that’s sooner, and once your income is over £26,575” 万分感谢 {:5_148:}

以前永居可以用home student并且申请到学生贷款.
不过是fulltime的专业, 并且是在英国工作了几年再去读的.

我想再读一个master,永居的话 也是按照home student的rate吗




5. Those with the ‘right of permanent residence’ in the UK
In order to qualify for ‘home’ fees under this category, you must meet all of the following criteria:

(a) you have the right of permanent residence in the UK (under European Community (EC) law) on the first day of an academic year of the course; and

(b) you were ordinarily resident in the UK on the first day of the first academic year of the course; and

(c) you were ordinarily resident in the UK and Islands for the three-year period before the first day of the first academic year of the course; and

(d) if any of your ordinary residence in (c) was for the main purpose of receiving full-time education, you must have been ordinarily resident in the EEA and/or Switzerland and/or the overseas territories immediately prior to that three-year period.
Ordinary residence
You are ordinarily resident in the relevant residence area (which depends on the category and its qualifying conditions) if you have habitually, normally and lawfully resided in that area from choice. Temporary absences from the residence area should be ignored and therefore would not stop you being ordinarily resident. It has also previously been successfully argued in the UK courts that an individual can be ordinarily resident in more than one place at the same time; individuals wishing to demonstrate this would have to be living a lawful, normal and habitual residence in each of the areas in question.

If you can demonstrate that you have not been ordinarily resident in the relevant residence area only because you, or a family member, were temporarily working outside the relevant residence area, you will be treated as though you have been ordinarily resident there.

Where a category includes a condition that the main purpose of your residence must not have been to receive full-time education, a useful question to ask is: “if you had not been in full-time education, where would you have been ordinarily resident?”. If the answer to this question is “outside the relevant residence area” this would indicate that the main purpose for your residence was full-time education. If the answer is that you would have been resident in the relevant residence area even if you had not been in full-time education, this would indicate that full-time education was not the main purpose for your residence in the relevant area.

See Ordinary residence case law for how the UK courts have debated issues of ordinary residence.

原来你说的事学费的事 我以为是说永居身份的事。以为你说拿了永居之后,前三年不能在英国读书呢。想说哪里来的奇葩条例。原来我误会了。

永居身份能不能走loan在于你是不是first degree,如果你之前在英国已经读过本科,硕士,或者其他degree 学位,那就不能走loan了,只能走商业贷款。如果你是国内读的本科,你可以瞒着不报,但是不代表审核的人查不出来,如果查出不来也不会给你loan的。





1 个帖子被拆分到新主题:请问如果中途才变永居 那我还算home student吗?
