
真是大开眼界阿 谢谢分享


nice clothes…





虽然MM说了不少。。但是衣服还得要体形来衬啊。。我是那种N瘦的(就是MM都嫉妒的那种),基本上穿什么都一样拉 (不好看啊)。





偶喜欢Christian Dior和Chanel




我推荐一个我喜欢的牌子Jack&Jones 虽然不是名牌 但东西的确便宜好看 衬衣是200-300人民币 毛衫是300-400人民币 外套是500-1200人民币(看材质的) 其他的以此类推 你们看看就知道了

于 2004-04-07 00:09, rinima 写:


jack&jones jeans…

Jack & Jones jeans are made in Italy by some of the top designers and producers of denim and jeans in the world.

Our Italian designers make sure that Jack & Jones stays poised on the cutting edge of denim trends.

Although the making of a pair of Jack & Jones jeans has gradually evolved into something of a science we prefer to think of the making

of a pair of jeans as handcraft. Many of the steps in the process are done by hand and call for both patience and precission.

But then that’s just what makes each pair of Jack & Jones jeans unique.

于 2005-01-20 03:18, hideki 写:

我推荐一个我喜欢的牌子Jack&Jones 虽然不是名牌 但东西的确便宜好看 衬衣是200-300人民币 毛衫是300-400人民币 外套是500-1200人民币(看材质的) 其他的以此类推 你们看看就知道了


于 2005-01-20 12:14, matsus 写:

jack&jones jeans…

Jack & Jones jeans are made in Italy by some of the top designers and producers of denim and jeans in the world.

Our Italian designers make sure that Jack & Jones stays poised on the cutting edge of denim trends.

Although the making of a pair of Jack & Jones jeans has gradually evolved into something of a science we prefer to think of the making

of a pair of jeans as handcraft. Many of the steps in the process are done by hand and call for both patience and precission.

But then that’s just what makes each pair of Jack & Jones jeans unique.

我就买了好多JACK JONES的。。。。


于 2005-01-24 07:36, sorcerer 写:

于 2005-01-20 12:14, matsus 写:

jack&jones jeans…

Jack & Jones jeans are made in Italy by some of the top designers and producers of denim and jeans in the world.

Our Italian designers make sure that Jack & Jones stays poised on the cutting edge of denim trends.

Although the making of a pair of Jack & Jones jeans has gradually evolved into something of a science we prefer to think of the making

of a pair of jeans as handcraft. Many of the steps in the process are done by hand and call for both patience and precission.

But then that’s just what makes each pair of Jack & Jones jeans unique.

我就买了好多JACK JONES的。。。。


兄弟有钱人啊~偶到现在都还穿的南极绒棉衣, 登喜路的裤子,回力的球鞋,李宁的袜子~哎~~啥时候我也去城里转转~