
wow…your sig, ev darling…quite something huh?

no no no, it’s me who should be saying sorry…not your fault at all. in fact, it’s no one’s fault really, we’re all trying our best… :cn11: :cn11:

hugs to my LG paige and dear yi…miss you guys… :cn09: :cn09:


wow…your sig, ev darling…quite something huh?

no no no, it’s me who should be saying sorry…not your fault at all. in fact, it’s no one’s fault really, we’re all trying our best… :cn11: :cn11:

hugs to my LG paige and dear yi…miss you guys… :cn09: :cn09:

My girls, you guys are just soooo cute! :cn11: :cn07: :cn09:



Welcome our new VIP :cn07: :cn07: :cn07:


Welcome our new VIP :cn07: :cn07: :cn07:


赚了~~~ :cn09:



Welcome our new VIP :cn07: :cn07: :cn07:


赚了~~~ :cn09:

Cooooooooolllllllllllllll, your name!!!!!!!!!!!! :cn08: :cn08: :cn08: :cn08: :cn08:

another VIP wakaka.

:smiley: Actually it is the first time for me to be here.

I am touched by your words here truly deeply and i am also a student in Germany.

I think you are a real and very professional translator,i am interested in the language,too. Because of the germanlerning i can not contine spending time to make English well.

I wonder how can you use the two foreigh languages together without mixing them??

And you have mentioned it,there is no Germansalon. I have one idea,is it possible to make one germansalon in powerappe?

Because i feel very strongly that i need pick up the passion of lerning English and German again…

I am looking forward to the answer :love:


:smiley: Actually it is the first time for me to be here.

I am touched by your words here truly deeply and i am also a student in Germany.

I think you are a real and very professional translator,i am interested in the language,too. Because of the germanlerning i can not contine spending time to make English well.

I wonder how can you use the two foreigh languages together without mixing them??

And you have mentioned it,there is no Germansalon. I have one idea,is it possible to make one germansalon in powerappe?

Because i feel very strongly that i need pick up the passion of lerning English and German again…

I am looking forward to the answer :love:

who says that i won't mix the two languages up? :cn15:

i only try my best... one tip: when you speak german, don't think about english and vice versa.

about germansalon, i guess you should go to "热门管理区", genauer weiss ich auch nicht. but being can always have a try, theres nothing to lose.

ps: welcom to salon!

[ 编辑 zhjluster 在 05-11-09 02:18 ]

对不起 我错拉~~以后看贴一定都回!!!

蛮有道理的 :cn06: 大家加油

i really feel saloon is a good place and i can find a lot of interesting and useful stuff.

Do agree every point.

:cn01: :cn01:

今天绝对是鬼使神差…点苹果点的无聊就进了注册以来头一次进入的沙龙板块…头一个看得是中国式英语。笑笑而过。然后看了此帖!.. :cn06: :cn06: 无比震撼,昏厥过去。LZ字里行间无不透着一股强烈的诚恳…让人看得热血沸腾…周围的空气压力都在骤然上升…想自己也是典型的看帖不回分子…这次给LZ死死的教育一顿… :cn03: :cn03:

看后感:以后看帖坚决回帖,坚决拥护和执行LZ的思想方针,并严格落实到行动上,请组织网开一面,以观后效! :cn16: :cn16: :polite: :polite:


:cn01: :cn01:

今天绝对是鬼使神差…点苹果点的无聊就进了注册以来头一次进入的沙龙板块…头一个看得是中国式英语。笑笑而过。然后看了此帖!.. :cn06: :cn06: 无比震撼,昏厥过去。LZ字里行间无不透着一股强烈的诚恳…让人看得热血沸腾…周围的空气压力都在骤然上升…想自己也是典型的看帖不回分子…这次给LZ死死的教育一顿… :cn03: :cn03:

看后感:以后看帖坚决回帖,坚决拥护和执行LZ的思想方针,并严格落实到行动上,请组织网开一面,以观后效! :cn16: :cn16: :polite: :polite:



谢谢我的烂烂亲爱的啦 :-o :-o :-o :-o

辛苦LZ了,写了这么多 :cn06: 不过我通常都是看贴就回帖的哈哈 :cn08:

刚看完觉得很有道理所以也来顶一下! 多谢你了!从你的文章里又学到不少东西。嘻嘻。。。



Totally agree with you and support your style of getting the point across.

But, don’t the points your professor gave you slightly contradict each other? :cn06:


:cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09: :cn09:

up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up