

大家好,我是曼大的学生,我们学校international office的老师给我们发了一封信,是关于签证费的问题,希望大家都能看看,然后添一下表格,大家一起努力,不让他门给我门涨钱

You may have heard the British Government Department called

the Home Office, the Department we send your visa extension

applications to, is reviewing charges for visa extensions and


Please, please will you complete the questionnaire on the website

that I give you now. Please tell them how unfair it is to ask

students to pay more to extend their stay.

We have all responded and the University President, Professor

Alan Gilbert will also respond.

The Questionnaire has many sections for different categories of

people. You need to read about the principle behind charging and

then find the student section.


From this page choose “Iaw and Policy” from the options on the

left hand side of the page. Half way down the Law and Policy

page, you will see “Consultation Document”, from the next page

choose “Current Consultation”. From there choose “IND Fee

Review Consultation”.

I suggest that you sit a few friends together - like all Government

documentation, it is quite difficult, but we need you all to voice your



于 2004-11-19 02:46, yiruj 写:

大家好,我是曼大的学生,我们学校international office的老师给我们发了一封信,是关于签证费的问题,希望大家都能看看,然后添一下表格,大家一起努力,不让他门给我门涨钱

You may have heard the British Government Department called

the Home Office, the Department we send your visa extension

applications to, is reviewing charges for visa extensions and


Please, please will you complete the questionnaire on the website

that I give you now. Please tell them how unfair it is to ask

students to pay more to extend their stay.

We have all responded and the University President, Professor

Alan Gilbert will also respond.

The Questionnaire has many sections for different categories of

people. You need to read about the principle behind charging and

then find the student section.


From this page choose “Iaw and Policy” from the options on the

left hand side of the page. Half way down the Law and Policy

page, you will see “Consultation Document”, from the next page

choose “Current Consultation”. From there choose “IND Fee

Review Consultation”.

I suggest that you sit a few friends together - like all Government

documentation, it is quite difficult, but we need you all to voice your




于 2004-11-19 03:25, cricket1_1 写:

于 2004-11-19 02:46, yiruj 写:

大家好,我是曼大的学生,我们学校international office的老师给我们发了一封信,是关于签证费的问题,希望大家都能看看,然后添一下表格,大家一起努力,不让他门给我门涨钱

You may have heard the British Government Department called

the Home Office, the Department we send your visa extension

applications to, is reviewing charges for visa extensions and


Please, please will you complete the questionnaire on the website

that I give you now. Please tell them how unfair it is to ask

students to pay more to extend their stay.

We have all responded and the University President, Professor

Alan Gilbert will also respond.

The Questionnaire has many sections for different categories of

people. You need to read about the principle behind charging and

then find the student section.


From this page choose “Iaw and Policy” from the options on the

left hand side of the page. Half way down the Law and Policy

page, you will see “Consultation Document”, from the next page

choose “Current Consultation”. From there choose “IND Fee

Review Consultation”.

I suggest that you sit a few friends together - like all Government

documentation, it is quite difficult, but we need you all to voice your





于 2004-11-19 02:46, yiruj 写:

大家好,我是曼大的学生,我们学校international office的老师给我们发了一封信,是关于签证费的问题,希望大家都能看看,然后添一下表格,大家一起努力,不让他门给我门涨钱

You may have heard the British Government Department called

the Home Office, the Department we send your visa extension

applications to, is reviewing charges for visa extensions and


Please, please will you complete the questionnaire on the website

that I give you now. Please tell them how unfair it is to ask

students to pay more to extend their stay.

We have all responded and the University President, Professor

Alan Gilbert will also respond.

The Questionnaire has many sections for different categories of

people. You need to read about the principle behind charging and

then find the student section.


From this page choose “Iaw and Policy” from the options on the

left hand side of the page. Half way down the Law and Policy

page, you will see “Consultation Document”, from the next page

choose “Current Consultation”. From there choose “IND Fee

Review Consultation”.

I suggest that you sit a few friends together - like all Government

documentation, it is quite difficult, but we need you all to voice your




于 2004-11-19 03:47, cricket1_1 写:



于 2004-11-19 03:57, yiruj 写:

于 2004-11-19 03:47, cricket1_1 写:




于 2004-11-19 03:57, Bluedd 写:

于 2004-11-19 02:46, yiruj 写:

大家好,我是曼大的学生,我们学校international office的老师给我们发了一封信,是关于签证费的问题,希望大家都能看看,然后添一下表格,大家一起努力,不让他门给我门涨钱

You may have heard the British Government Department called

the Home Office, the Department we send your visa extension

applications to, is reviewing charges for visa extensions and


Please, please will you complete the questionnaire on the website

that I give you now. Please tell them how unfair it is to ask

students to pay more to extend their stay.

We have all responded and the University President, Professor

Alan Gilbert will also respond.

The Questionnaire has many sections for different categories of

people. You need to read about the principle behind charging and

then find the student section.


From this page choose “Iaw and Policy” from the options on the

left hand side of the page. Half way down the Law and Policy

page, you will see “Consultation Document”, from the next page

choose “Current Consultation”. From there choose “IND Fee

Review Consultation”.

I suggest that you sit a few friends together - like all Government

documentation, it is quite difficult, but we need you all to voice your




你也在曼大? 那你以前有没有受到过international office的信啊?好像是刚刚开始上大学的时候,我们添过一个表,上面有问你乐不乐意让office发信,有过当时你选不希望他给你写信,那一般就不会受到学校的信了

于 2004-11-19 03:47, cricket1_1 写:






http://www.ind.homeoffice.gov.uk/ind/en/home/laws___policy/consultation_documents/current_consultations.html 这个连接更直接

于 2004-11-19 04:00, yiruj 写:

于 2004-11-19 03:57, Bluedd 写:

于 2004-11-19 02:46, yiruj 写:

大家好,我是曼大的学生,我们学校international office的老师给我们发了一封信,是关于签证费的问题,希望大家都能看看,然后添一下表格,大家一起努力,不让他门给我门涨钱

You may have heard the British Government Department called

the Home Office, the Department we send your visa extension

applications to, is reviewing charges for visa extensions and


Please, please will you complete the questionnaire on the website

that I give you now. Please tell them how unfair it is to ask

students to pay more to extend their stay.

We have all responded and the University President, Professor

Alan Gilbert will also respond.

The Questionnaire has many sections for different categories of

people. You need to read about the principle behind charging and

then find the student section.


From this page choose “Iaw and Policy” from the options on the

left hand side of the page. Half way down the Law and Policy

page, you will see “Consultation Document”, from the next page

choose “Current Consultation”. From there choose “IND Fee

Review Consultation”.

I suggest that you sit a few friends together - like all Government

documentation, it is quite difficult, but we need you all to voice your




你也在曼大? 那你以前有没有受到过international office的信啊?好像是刚刚开始上大学的时候,我们添过一个表,上面有问你乐不乐意让office发信,有过当时你选不希望他给你写信,那一般就不会受到学校的信了

死 英国鬼子



