英国学生,工作类签证经验谈* 解答P155


魔头,我实在很想请教一下,就是我是四年的学生签证,但是三年就毕业了,以您的经验来看,这最后一年还能用吗?? :cn03: ~~我发信问了我们学校的,但是估计在放假,没人回我…



现在T1 general 在英国和在国内签分别大概是多长时间呢?

我正在安排回家时间 事情有点排不开


这边的话怕时间拖的太长到时候过年会不去了(那个emergency treatment的是不是就能保证visa能在回去那天之前拿到阿? 具体怎么做? 给个网址也好 我在home office网站上没找到有关emergency treatment的信息)



国内签证T1很快,我们很多人1周左右 就拿到了,现在英国当地要4-8周左右。

还有个问题,基本上我材料现在都充足了,bank statement最近一个月closing balance也有1900多胖子,那么到时候我只交这个月的,就不再把前二个月的bank statement附加上去。

可是,我的passport size photograph,是合格的,可是,这张照片是我在申请IGS的时候用的,现在还有剩下,那么请问这张照片是否还能用吗? :cn01:


我知道tesco这种地方有那种自动的,可是通常都会拍得不好 :cn03:

Hydeist于2008-08-23写道:bank statement最近一个月closing balance也有1900多胖子,那么到时候我只交这个月的,就不再把前二个月的bank statement附加上去。

可是,我的passport size photograph,是合格的,可是,这张照片是我在申请IGS的时候用的,现在还有剩下,那么请问这张照片是否还能用吗?

1. 付上最近3个月的银行帐单
2. 申请IGS是剩下的多余的护照照片可以这次也继续使用

我是transitional arrangement的,那么也是需要三个月bank statement?


我的签证是08年11月30号到期的学生签证, 我10月份接着读大三。还有1年才毕业

如果到时候申请续签的话, 是申请什么类型的签证?

还有银行的statement 有规定么? 谢谢



我的签证是08年11月30号到期的学生签证, 我10月份接着读大三。还有1年才毕业

如果到时候申请续签的话, 是申请什么类型的签证

那就是说你是2008年10月读final year..

Dear lou zhu:

Hi! I have an urgent problem would like to ask. I can’t type english since i am using university’s computer.

I have received the original work permit on 15th of August and the company required me to apply for the entry clearance visa since I was in China. However, my return date to go back to the UK is 2nd of September. In other words, i don’t have enough time to apply for the visa since it takes at least 17 working days in China( I have asked the staff in the UK embassy in China).

Therefore, I decided to return to the UK on 22nd of August. I have been informed by a lawer who is on behalf of my employer that he have to apply for a fresh work permit which takes around 6-7 weeks for me.

My starting date is 8th of september in the company. Can i work legally from my starting date based on my situation?

Thank you very much! looking forward to hearing from you.



魔头,我实在很想请教一下,就是我是四年的学生签证,但是三年就毕业了,以您的经验来看,这最后一年还能用吗?? :cn03: ~~我发信问了我们学校的,但是估计在放假,没人回我…

谢谢SUPERFY的回答,基本上魔头认可这样的答案。符合自己现在身份的签证时最保险的!如果你希望继续呆在英国,魔头建议你可以转POST STUDY 或者其他签证!


还有个问题,基本上我材料现在都充足了,bank statement最近一个月closing balance也有1900多胖子,那么到时候我只交这个月的,就不再把前二个月的bank statement附加上去。

可是,我的passport size photograph,是合格的,可是,这张照片是我在申请IGS的时候用的,现在还有剩下,那么请问这张照片是否还能用吗? :cn01:


我知道tesco这种地方有那种自动的,可是通常都会拍得不好 :cn03:

照片不是大问题,最主要的是你如果是IGS, SEG 签证持有者,那你在10月31号之前申请的话,你就属于transitional arrangement,那你可以只提供最近一个月的账单就可以了!


Hydeist于2008-08-23写道:我是transitional arrangement的,那么也是需要三个月bank statement?



错! 请看魔头回复!


Dear lou zhu:

Hi! I have an urgent problem would like to ask. I can’t type english since i am using university’s computer.

I have received the original work permit on 15th of August and the company required me to apply for the entry clearance visa since I was in China. However, my return date to go back to the UK is 2nd of September. In other words, i don’t have enough time to apply for the visa since it takes at least 17 working days in China( I have asked the staff in the UK embassy in China).

Therefore, I decided to return to the UK on 22nd of August. I have been informed by a lawer who is on behalf of my employer that he have to apply for a fresh work permit which takes around 6-7 weeks for me.

My starting date is 8th of september in the company. Can i work legally from my starting date based on my situation?

Thank you very much! looking forward to hearing from you.

首先,你现在的签证是学生签证吗?即是学生签证,在正是的假期期间,你可以FULL TIME 工作。但是到了9月底大学开学的时候,你就不能用学生签证继续FULL TIME 工作了! 只能20 HOURS PER WEEK!

没有毕业的情况下,既然你现在有了工作许可,你可以直接办理工作许可的LEAVE TO REMAIN 签证。如果LUCKY的话,大概2-3周你就可以拿到签证。你8月22号回来,立即办理,应该不怎么影响你9月底以后的工作!!! 但是如果到了9月底你还是没有拿到LEAVE TO REMAIN签证,你只能工作20 HOURS PER WEEK UNTIL YOU GET THE VISA!

另外,如果你已经毕业了,学生签证下,你可以在毕业以后full time 工作4个月!

为什么你还要办理"FRESH WORK PERMIT", 这里我不明白你的意思!
[ 编辑 Athena_Mars 在 08-08-25 17:49 ]



Hydeist于2008-08-23写道:我是transitional arrangement的,那么也是需要三个月bank statement?



错! 请看魔头回复!


非常感谢楼主. 我现在已经毕业了. 7月初律师递交我的资料给home office.我7月中回的国,8月中收到original work permit拉.但是要在中国签不够时间,所以又赶了回来…律师说这种情况要重新申请new work permit letter再弄签证…

我也很confused 啊…是不是因为我回国了,他们在第一次申请的original work permit 因为我回英国做废拉?

还有你说毕业的学生可以full time工作4个月,是只限于training 才符合条件? 如果work in a team straight away也可以full time 工作吗


Hi, should i include page 7 if i print the PSW form as a single sided application form?
[ 编辑 Hydeist 在 08-08-26 18:43 ]

在home office网站上找到这个:

What if my application needs urgent treatment?

This page explains whether or not your application can be considered as urgent and how to request for it.

Requests for urgent treatment will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. This will not normally include circumstances where, for example, the employee has made travel plans or a start date for the employment has been agreed before a decision is made. If you would like to request for urgent treatment, you must contact us in advance of submitting the application providing full reasons why it should be considered urgently. You need to use the contact number relevant to you and should see the Contacts page.


7月20号寄出的post-study work现在还没收到但是刚收到的job offer说是9月5号要开始工作 不知道能不能申请urgent treatment阿?

这个是帮我家gg问的 等的好急啊


非常感谢楼主. 我现在已经毕业了. 7月初律师递交我的资料给home office.我7月中回的国,8月中收到original work permit拉.但是要在中国签不够时间,所以又赶了回来…律师说这种情况要重新申请new work permit letter再弄签证…

我也很confused 啊…是不是因为我回国了,他们在第一次申请的original work permit 因为我回英国做废拉?

还有你说毕业的学生可以full time工作4个月,是只限于training 才符合条件? 如果work in a team straight away也可以full time 工作吗




另外,毕业学生做full time.... 是包括training and normal job...... 魔头建议,你尽快办理你的签证问题~~~


在home office网站上找到这个:

What if my application needs urgent treatment?

This page explains whether or not your application can be considered as urgent and how to request for it.

Requests for urgent treatment will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. This will not normally include circumstances where, for example, the employee has made travel plans or a start date for the employment has been agreed before a decision is made. If you would like to request for urgent treatment, you must contact us in advance of submitting the application providing full reasons why it should be considered urgently. You need to use the contact number relevant to you and should see the Contacts page.


7月20号寄出的post-study work现在还没收到但是刚收到的job offer说是9月5号要开始工作 不知道能不能申请urgent treatment阿?

这个是帮我家gg问的 等的好急啊

现在h o工作积压量很大,处理速度慢! 有不少6月20号寄出去的到现在还没有收到,所以你的7月20号就更不能确定了。建议你以一方面和公司联系,告知公司签证的情况,也可以让公司帮助询问h o看看是否可以更快处理。另外,你个人也可以联系h o告知情况! 但是结果如何,现在任何人都说不了~~~


Hi, should i include page 7 if i print the PSW form as a single sided application form?

[ 编辑 Hydeist 在 08-08-26 18:43 ]

不很明白~~ :-?

lz,关于你在p1关于post study work资金证明的更新,我觉得有点疑惑,关于funds的transitional arrangement跟你所说的igs holder的transitional 好像不太一样,关于资金方面的transitional应该是指的过渡期的安排,而不是指从igs换到post study work. 不知道我理解的对不对,以下是home office的原文链接,我也copy过来了一份:
