
我想请问一下,如果我在2年的psw有效签证内递交10年永居被拒绝,那我可以上诉么(在签证有效期内),还是只 …


Thank you so much for your post la!! =D

One quick question… I am in a situation which is very similar to you… I got all my passports, just my days outside the UK is over 540 days… like 100+ if i apply in May or June… or 40+ if i wait until September…

So it should be ok if i write down my days like you did… like 2 copies? =) Im holding BNO so there is no stamp on most of the leaving dates.

please helppp… :’(

try the way i said earlier , ask the solicitor to doble check with u

Thanks! so you just briefly write down according to your passports stamp? can you send me your solicitor details ar? i m looking for one =))

请问, 如果10年被拒,但还有有效的学生签是不是不能上诉啊?我现在马上需要再续一次学生签,然后6月寄10年永居申请,不知道签个半年的,还是一年学生签好呢?谢谢


MOMO,问下。 本来不打算申请了。十年都过了5个月了。昨天把签证纪录好好整理了一下,发现好像都是连贯的。只有一个算是REJECT,因为距离开学时间有点长,所以面签时说不方便给那么长学生签证。不过当时给了我2个星期的签证让我准备下。 然后签证到期前,我又重新寄签到学生签。所以说就算那个算拒签,也是在有效签证没有到期之前发生的,而且也在签证到期之前递交新的申请表,并取得了新的签证。好像就这么一个问题,不知道这个会不会影响。我目前工作签,2012年1月才到5年(不过那个时候听说政策已经变了)。




你可以看看这个网址就能解决你的疑问了,里面是HO给别人的回复。 不管你的签证是什么签证,只要有10年签证就可以申请10年永居


是work permit签的工作签,餐馆帮申请的厨师那种的工作签证。
我的问题是以他这样的签证组合签10年的话,会不会需要提供工作资料比如工资单 P60单 税单等等??


谢谢楼主,很有用的帖子. 不过关于gap, 和据签记录的可以探讨。

1, 关于10天以上的gap, 我觉得是有可能那到的,ho 是这么描述的:It may be appropriate to use your judgement in cases where an applicant has submitted a single application more than 10 days out of time if there are extenuating reasons for this (e.g. postal strike, hospitalisation, administrative error on our part etc). This must be discussed with a Senior Caseworker. …

An applicant has a single gap in their lawful residence due to submitting an application 24 days out of time. The applicant has however produced a letter from their consultant stating that they were hospitalised during this period. Even though the applicant submitted their application more than 10 days out of time, they have proved that there were extenuating circumstances and have endeavoured to maintain lawful residence throughout the rest of the 10 years period, discretion would normally be appropriate.

2, 关于有被据签的记录,我一直没有找到相关条文,如果有,请楼主给个链接好吗? 只找到HO这么写: Events that break continuous residence…•
the applicant has been removed or deported from the UK or has left the UK following the refusal of leave to enter or remain;

就是说申请人因为被据签而离开英国就中段了,如果申请人被据签了,但他还有其他有效签证,而没离开英国,之后又延了签证,这就还算是continuous residence。

以上全是来自HO网站对LONG RESIDENCE 的描述。不知我的理解有没有错。 http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/policyandlaw/IDIs/idischapter18/longresidence/Long_Residence_IDI-_final_d1.pdf?view=Binary

请问申请tier 1 被拒 会影响pr申请吗? 不是用假材料,假设是账单没到3个月或者扣钱没成功之类的,谢谢了



" An applicant has a single gap in their lawful residence due to submitting an application 24 days out of time. The applicant has however produced a letter from their consultant stating that they were hospitalised during this period. Even though the applicant submitted their application more than 10 days out of time, they have proved that there were extenuating circumstances and have endeavoured to maintain lawful residence throughout the rest of the 10 years period, discretion would normally be appropriate."



如果结婚的话好像是马上,正常的都是拿到以后1年,而且之前那4年都要在英国,也就是说你如果拿到以后回国了2年,再回来英国,这样就不是一年以后了,而是5年以后。 然后要求是最后的1年不离开英国90天,最后的5年不离开450天

你仔细看清楚人家说的是一个example,比如你签证到期24天后才申请但是是因为你住院什么的不能及时申请, …

example 也是一个 case,我的意思是Gap 在10-24天不会被一棍子打死。

IDI Ch18 - Lond Residence - 04.2009条例就是人家内部的审批文件,不是immigration rule也不是law

“This section provides details of the policy and guidance that our staff follow. We publish this information as part of our commitment to freedom of information.”

这是对Immigration Rules Part7 276A-D 的解释

“It may be appropriate to use your judgement in cases where an applicant has submitted a single application more than 10 days out of time if there are extenuating reasons for this (e.g. postal strike, hospitalisation, administrative error on our part etc). This must be discussed with a Senior Caseworker.”