[开箱与评测] 图:超强德国人用植物油冷却PC!



德文的,看不明白他想說甚麼 :cn17:



I point out hereby expressly that I absolutely no adhesion for damage to humans, animal, hardware etc. take over, if it on the idea should come you such a thing to copy. the power pack opened in the case shown here saves extreme a risk! i.e.: there is mortal danger! if it you over the safety risks of such an change action in the clear are not, then leave the fingers of it better!
I am gladly for ask openly (), give however no guarantee for my indicated.

So, if I not already spoiled you now the fun, then looks you simply times on:)

new pictures!

That's A picture from the roofridge day: here acres of more newer ones

yes! it's really A computer completely into vegetable oil!

(goes because oil no river leads)

the exhausts are for circulation also still in it.

before the installation naturally everything finely säuberlichst deseamed with compressed air.

the computer eat nix special, my old desktop stop: (which I use always still very gladly)

intel celeron 550MHz

192 MB RAM

30GB non removable disk

GeForce FX 5200 (I have rigged thereby I a DVI connection have)

since in the meantime one inquired already several times, here cut out out more ner mail:

pure boredom drove me to this action
naja, stop was so ne idea developed, when I had with my buddy few beers a too much.

when I researched then something in inet, I have experienced that I not first was this idea had, and it works apparently really well.
thus I tried out and see it, there: it funtzt

the large advantage is:
the computer does not make mucks (apart from the momentarily inserted notebookpladde).

therefore I work also so gladly on the computer, because simply absolute quiet in the area is.

I left the exhausts in it, so that the oil circulates better.


HP: I answer gladly further ask “

still one:

“I have rum before website this topic to make if I my Abitur have. there I want to then publish building guidances/empiric reports/risks/pro and cons also detailed.

the oil is there now for one year in it, and yet was not changed.
admittedly arrange it already somewhat strangely if one the closed cover opens and a course takes

as said, one year long goes the thing already well, sooner or later however I have belonged that condensers (elkos) the spirit to give up by the oil.
I anyhow could make no bad experiences up to now.

as more important tap is to be only called that the oil computer should find table place after possibility unterm, since otherwise the capillary effect of the cables ensures that after few months an oil from the mouse/keyboard/other cables sifft. “

should you always still ask have, you know my E-Mail is to you at the disposal:

-by google translate
[ 编辑 matureking 在 07-10-03 20:44 ]



:cn06: :cn06: :cn06:


顶 强 :cn08:




这个贴为什么是精华?呵呵 :cn08:

小日本超频用液氮 :cn10:

帅,会不会烧起来啊! :cn08:


另外请问这东西保养周期多久? 几百小时换一次机油? :cn17:

火灾隐患啊~~~ :cn14:



超频时可以炸薯条 :lol:

一物多用,符合经济学原理哈哈 :cn09:


超频时可以炸薯条 :lol:

