




我嫉妒你们所有人 我明天就继续一封信一封信的去骂他们去!!!


:cn03: :cn03: :cn03:

LZMM, sorry I was lazy last night and did not take photos. I promise I will do tonight.

I think you should stop complaining to the company but start to worry about where the parcel is. The courier does not require a signature and just drops the parcel in front of your door. If you went out travelling, is there anyone in your flat who can pick the parcel for you? If not, some random people may have stolen it. Now I really hope it is the problem of Sigma. Good luck! :cn16:


LZMM, sorry I was lazy last night and did not take photos. I promise I will do tonight.

I think you should stop complaining to the company but start to worry about where the parcel is. The courier does not require a signature and just drops the parcel in front of your door. If you went out travelling, is there anyone in your flat who can pick the parcel for you? If not, some random people may have stolen it. Now I really hope it is the problem of Sigma. Good luck! :cn16:


我们家还有一个男生没有去玩在家看家呢,我是用PAYPAL付的所以地址一定不会错,还有就是我们是一个小区,从来不会丢包裹的,楼下的邻居还会帮我收,如果需要签名的话,不过我给SIGMA的邮件他们也没有回复,真是气人,我还是会继续发的....哦 还有送PARCEL的公司会直接把东西留到门口?我们家从来没有这样过,我经常网购从来没有就放在门口过,就算不需要SIGNATURE,也会留个卡片说TOO BIG FOR THE POST BOX让我自己去取...........阿,反正收不到东西好烦人呀,我再去看看怎么回事



LZMM, sorry I was lazy last night and did not take photos. I promise I will do tonight.

I think you should stop complaining to the company but start to worry about where the parcel is. The courier does not require a signature and just drops the parcel in front of your door. If you went out travelling, is there anyone in your flat who can pick the parcel for you? If not, some random people may have stolen it. Now I really hope it is the problem of Sigma. Good luck! :cn16:


我们家还有一个男生没有去玩在家看家呢,我是用PAYPAL付的所以地址一定不会错,还有就是我们是一个小区,从来不会丢包裹的,楼下的邻居还会帮我收,如果需要签名的话,不过我给SIGMA的邮件他们也没有回复,真是气人,我还是会继续发的…哦 还有送PARCEL的公司会直接把东西留到门口?我们家从来没有这样过,我经常网购从来没有就放在门口过,就算不需要SIGNATURE,也会留个卡片说TOO BIG FOR THE POST BOX让我自己去取…阿,反正收不到东西好烦人呀,我再去看看怎么回事

哈哈,我回来了。没有被人拿走就好,会到的。美国邮寄过来的东西多数都放家门口就走,我上次定OPI 时也是。我家当时一天有人,人家连门都不敲,就放门口。Anyway,我照片拍好了,现在就放上~ :cn15:

[ 编辑 lavender92 在 09-07-03 02:16 ]
[ 编辑 lavender92 在 09-07-03 02:22 ]

包装袋~ :cn07:

有个小册子,上面写了各个刷子的用法。还有一张卡片,上面又如何清洁刷子的介绍。还有一个眼影盒小赠品。还挺贴心的~ :cn11:
[ 编辑 lavender92 在 09-07-03 02:20 ]

给眼影盒一个特写,是灰色系的。 :cn07:


看看扣子这里,感觉做工很精致。 :cn11:

打开, 看看刷子们吧~ :cn07:
[ 编辑 lavender92 在 09-07-03 02:26 ]


[ 编辑 lavender92 在 09-07-03 02:29 ]


这个是刷腮红的扇形刷。好柔软! :cn11: 她家的刷子不论从刷柄到刷毛,都是很精致高档的感觉,不像一些便宜货。
[ 编辑 lavender92 在 09-07-03 02:33 ]

散粉大刷子,有点扁,但很柔软的~ :cn11:


哇 感谢MM 送的眼影盘竟然是ELF的 他们两家有关系的咩~

那个扁形的腮红刷跟STILA8号不太一样S的前面更加有角度一点 哇 我又多了个理由留住那根刷子了 咔咔咔 BTW LOVE UR NAIL CLOUR!!! :cn09: MM的指甲是自己修理还是去店里? 平时用不用PLASTIC NAIL的?我问题其实还很多 哈哈

算了我不着急了 我反正发了2封邮件了 应该不会丢的 那时候PAYPAL给我发了邮件说是possible delay for delivery 所以我才有了心理准备了之前

看来刷子真不错阿 :cn07: 我又开始开心起来慢慢等我的刷子们吧 :cn08:

MM刷子用了没有呢 那个白色angle的刷子我有MAC的那个忘记号码是什么了 哇 怎么办 什么刷子都不舍的转…一模一样的刷子我有4个 sigh阿 呵呵

长夜漫漫我又默默来更新了 我懒惰暂时不在首页编辑更新的LINKS了 反正几乎每页都有的 今天我来种草 老样子 等东西到了再更新 不过希望这次不要像我可怜的刷子们一样难等 不会的不会的不会的 默念ING… :cn06:


Daniel Sandler - Watercolour

The award winning innovative must-have product.

Destined for cult status these unique fluid blushers give the sheerest, long-lasting flush of pretty colour in twelve different shades. Two drops from the dinky squeezey bottle is just enough. Dry skin comes to life. Lifts all skin types with an Instant radiance.

The Watercolour range comes in twelve shades as shown below. If they are not shown in the drop down menu then we are unfortunately out of stock.

How to use:

* The special ingredients in your Watercolour may separate so gently shake the bottle to mix evenly before each use.

*Unscrew the cap then squeeze out two very small drops of Watercolour on the back of your hand.

*Using the Daniel Sandler Waterbrush, pick up the first drop of colour, apply to cheeks and blend (or you can use your fingers).

*Using the second drop, do the same thing on the other cheek.

*To deepen the colour on your cheeks, re-apply a drop of colour to each cheek and blend.

*Always replace the screw cap securely.

Watercolour can be applied on top of foundation or powder. It needs no powdering to set it. It is also silicone based so is super long-lasting and virtually waterproof.

Daniel says: “I created Watercolour fluid blusher for women for two reasons: Firstly, bronzing sticks and most cream formulas start off looking sensational but they wear off too quickly and you need to re-apply. Secondly, liquid or gel cheek stains have been a nightmare to blend as they dry so quickly, even for me as a professional, and the shades are very limited.

With Watercolour you can say goodbye to those problems as it not only gives you amazing cheeks that last all day long but they’re also a dream to apply, and with 12 divine shades to suit all skin tones you’re guaranteed to look your most beautiful 24/7.”


Cherub - Our Number One Best Seller. a delicate sheer, pastel pink that’s perfect for fair / medium skin tones that want the daintiest, youthful flush of colour.

Spicey - A careful mix of sheer terracotta plus a sexy pink shimmer to catch the light, wonderfully warm and exciting for medium / dark skin tones.

Lover - A hot, shimmery pink that brightens medium to dark complexions. Perfect for Olive/Asian / Black skin tones.

Truth - A barely there nude, peach shade with flattering highlights of peach and silver to brighten very fair skins. Perfect for fair to medium skin toned ladies that get high colour; this shade won’t make you look hot and bothered. In fact, it will help disguise hot flushes.

Gentle - Think Uptown beige mixed with some pretty peach and you’ve got this classy shade down to a tee. This expensive-looking, sheer, nude shade makes a face look Chic and chiselled. Perfect for fair /medium skin tones.

Icing - You’ll have cheekbones to die for with this pretty shimmery, pale pink highlighter. Watch it brighten and illuminate cheekbones. Dab some under brow bones or onto eye lids to bring your beautiful features alive. Can also be added to foundation to give you that “glow”. Great on fair/medium/dark/black skin tones.

Hot Totty - A Bronzed goddess is what you’ll be when you apply this to cheeks. This stunning, warm shade mimics your natural tan with subtle, sexy golden highlights to enhance a tan or make you look sun-kissed. Use on eyes and lips too for a total look. Skin tones with medium/dark /olive or light black skins will love it.

Secret - Very similar to Watercolour shade “Gentle” but darker and richer in peach tones, perfect for medium / dark skin tones.

Kiss - A rich bronze shade with pink undertones making cheeks glow. Perfect for dark/black skin tones.

Flush - You’ll look “naturally” flushed with this little baby. The ultimate, timeless shade that’ll knock years off you. Used on lips it’ll give you that bitten lip shade that Hollywood A-Listers love. Great for fair/medium skin tones.

OUT NOW - call 01923 845370 to find out where to buy Watercolour fluid blush Limited Edition Shades Gold Rush and Moon Goth

Gold and Silver are fantastically versatile trend colours but can easily look over-applied but you can’t go wrong with Gold Rush and Moon Goth.

On eyes it’s the ideal eye base that eye shadows will grip to all day and night.

On cheekbones, it’s your highlighter that doesn’t scream prom queen or teenage daughter.

Both shades are easy to apply, are ultra-feminine, delicate yet totally glamorous. Watercolour fluid blush is versatile. It can be mixed with any shade of watercolour to create your own unique colour.

OUT NOW - call 01923 845370 to find out where to buy Watercolour fluid blush Limited Edition Shade LIFE for Spring 2009

Life - A delicate, fresh pink shade as fresh as the bloom on a baby’s cheek. Wonderfully sheer with delicate highlights of shimmery pink make this perfect for any woman, any skin tone.

(REF: http://www.danielsandler.com/ltded/watercolour.asp)

要买的话是这里: http://www.beautique.com/product/Daniel_Sandler/________Daniel_Sandler_Watercolour.aspx

Share一下我用的promotional code: Beautyvch - 5%OFF

[ 编辑 JoanneDuran 在 09-07-03 08:06 ]

继续种草 哈哈哈


Korres Sunscreen Stick SPF30

Targeted Broad-spectrum sun protection for over-exposed zones such as lips, nose and the area around the eyes. Ideal for photosensitive complexions, it offers high protection, making it therefore an excellent choice for children. The Watermelon Face Sunscreen SPF30 stick doubles-up as a subtle highlighter that can be used on cheek and brow bones or even to hide dark circles; a great multi-tasking product especially for those keen on 'light' make-up bags.

Dermatologically Tested. Opthalmologically Tested. Non Comedogenic. Paraben, Mineral Oil, Silicone, Propylene Glycol & Ethanolamine Free

Watermelon, the quintessentially Mediterranean summer fruit, is an important source of nutritious ingredients and vitamins. Recent research has proven that Watermelon is rich in vitamins A, B6, C, lycopene, potassium and fibre. Watermelon usually grows in extremely hot conditions, thus it develops defence mechanisms against heat and sun. Studies confirm that one of the most serious consequences of the UV radiation is the accumulative impairment to skin defence. In fact, the Watermelon active extract strengthens the skins natural defence mechanism against solar radiation. Furthermore, due to its high levels of vitamins, carbohydrates and aminoacids, it protects the epidermic cells from free radicals, thus protecting the skin from photo-ageing, whilst also reducing the erythema caused by solar overexposure.


液体腮红 :cn09:



哇 感谢MM 送的眼影盘竟然是ELF的 他们两家有关系的咩~

那个扁形的腮红刷跟STILA8号不太一样S的前面更加有角度一点 哇 我又多了个理由留住那根刷子了 咔咔咔 BTW LOVE UR NAIL CLOUR!!! :cn09: MM的指甲是自己修理还是去店里? 平时用不用PLASTIC NAIL的?我问题其实还很多 哈哈

算了我不着急了 我反正发了2封邮件了 应该不会丢的 那时候PAYPAL给我发了邮件说是possible delay for delivery 所以我才有了心理准备了之前

看来刷子真不错阿 :cn07: 我又开始开心起来慢慢等我的刷子们吧 :cn08:

MM刷子用了没有呢 那个白色angle的刷子我有MAC的那个忘记号码是什么了 哇 怎么办 什么刷子都不舍的转…一模一样的刷子我有4个 sigh阿 呵呵

我不爱用假指甲,老觉得贴上去对指甲不好。修指甲是自从上次回国去店里修了以后,感觉还是修了好看,回来就自己慢慢修的。指甲油是上次被OPI贴种草在美国网站定的。 :cn15: