Isabella and Elizabeth

我要坐前排 前排
柔柔妈 是我哦 你知道我来要什么照片了嘛 哈哈{:5_142:}



柔柔的眼睛 :cn07::cn07:



我家in-law让我给宝宝趴着睡,头不会扁。。。 但是MF来家里时候给我说一顿, 说不可以, 有危险。。。 吓吓的{:5_135:}

{:5_134:} you caught me again! ahhhhhh well now that you’ve seen my daughter’s pretty much naked picture ( swimmers :P) let go this time? hahaha~~

not quite 10 months yet but im trying to…my mom wont let me cuz she said boobs will be saggie…{:5_139:} so im thinking might stop after shes 9 months old…

you don’t like flat? I thought we chinese all like flat back head? My mom said izzy’s head is so ugly cuz like white people’s, the back of her head not flat enough…she usually sleeps on her sides…sometimes on her back but never really slept on her tummy. {:5_147:}

hahaha, mostly her dad ( atm) i think but her eyes looks like me mwhahahhaha!{:5_142:}


im trying to…cuz i have no problem of breastfeeding so for me this isnt hard so the only problem would stop me from keep doing it is my boobs…i dont want them to go down and stay down…but then again i do want isabella to have a good immune system as she has now so…very confused…{:5_129:}

{:5_136:} aiyou~~ thank you~ look at ur tuanzi ze ze…a very very stylish toddler!!{:5_144:}





I shaved her head twice…because her hair at back was unevely grown, so i shaved it and now she has full head of hair and very nice :smiley:

ah yes thanks, i love that jacket too! Its from bardot australian brand, pretty cool, ive got her so many clothes i ve been pretty much shopping every single day…
dont worry her hair will grow back and a lot more! ^^
yes its winter here now, so cold!!!

光头的贝拉柔都这么可爱,以后肯定美丽D不得了,抢过来,MUA。 {:5_144:}

PS:爸爸在泳池超级帅的。 {:5_148:}


I’ve been following your posts few months ago. Isabella are getting so pretty, especially her eyes shines like stars.

Yes, i used foundation and eye liners that is it, sometimes go out i use lipstick, other than that i don’t use anything else. I started to drink mocha a month ago though. I think im going to stop when she is 10 months old. I might see how my boobs are after 10 months, if they are not saggy i will continue to a year, but if they are started to saggy a bit i might stop…{:5_142:}

bahahaha! Thank you! Thank you for your endless support! My parents are coming in 2 days woohoo! Then i will upload more pictures!!{:5_137:}