面膜狂的护肤美体&彩妆心得. P48大更新bgo, holland barrett开箱!!


哎. 现在在英国好难买到啊. mm可以试一试ebay

呼呼。去boots买了你所说的去黑头那些用品。还有veet的in-shower hair removal cream。

不会的呢. mm别担心. 如果你是第一次用那个clay面膜. 第一次的时候效果可能没有那么好. 别心急哟~ 慢慢来~

另外就是,那个碧柔的鼻贴。我今天在boots买的biore: ultra deep cleansing pore strips。应该是可以替代你所说的那个碧柔的吧。

biore就是碧柔呀~ 是不是鼻子上涂的水不够多呢? 我一般都粘的很紧的.

btw. 只要第三步拔出了很多白头. 以后就只要经常做第一步就可以了呢.






他是按照你买的总价来算的. 好像是差不多每增加2000台币的货物. 邮费就增加150台币把

我来啦我来啦~~家里网速不好最近很少上苹果呢~~mm更新了也不通知我!! 改天我也去试试你最推荐那个!我平时敷完面膜都会再上面霜呢,所以就没感觉有些干,不过我感觉红酒的保湿滋润度没有童颜不老那么好,我个人还是蛮喜欢童颜的,嘿嘿,还有那个完美绽放全效面膜也不错! 希望mm还满意shinning way,我觉得他的性价比很高:cn09:

一直很草top的抗氧化精化,不过由于之前在法国,现在到了加拿大都买不到。最近在用kielh’s的Abyssine serum,还是不错的。吸收非常快,虽然我还没有皱纹但是对毛孔的缩小比较明显。唯一不足就是没有什么保释补水的作用,之后要用稍微rich一点的cream。
至于晚霜,用了一段时间的La Mer,让我的皮肤一直处于稳定状态。但是因为价钱的关系,总在寻找代替品。来了加拿大之后看到有卖lush,就一下子爱上了。最近正在一点一点尝试。身体磨砂我是买的蓝色那个脸部磨砂代替的,还不错,用在身上不会疼,脸上我倒是没敢尝试。面膜选了seaweed的,非常喜欢,非常温和地去除死皮,并且不会太干,还有提亮肤色的作用。基本上用完就好像得到一张新面皮。下一步打算选个面霜,看看能不能代替我的La Mer。
另外,我也在用rosehip oil,不过是国内掏包上找专那个比较出名的精油mm买的,品质还不错,也是拿来做排毒按摩,或者在脸觉得非常干有紧张感的时候做精化。这是我会一直贮备的产品。

握手mm,我也很爱lush的面膜,lush最近新出了一个面膜,对干和敏感性的肌肤很好,叫oatifix ,里面也有颗粒,有清洁的功效,是目前lush里面对干性肤质最好的面膜(用完不会很油的,我觉得混合肌肤绝对也可以使用) 这个绝对要试下;另外一个很好的面膜叫A Crash Course In Skincare,我记得中文名是美丽急救面膜,哈哈,这个效果也很好,有段时间我皮肤超级干(干到用什么都很痛,然后脸上看上去有一粒一粒的那种),然后我就连敷这个面膜3天,皮肤马上就恢复很好,我也推荐了我很多朋友去用,她们都很爱,都在和我说,原本她们很不喜欢lush这个牌子,因为每次路过香味太浓郁,觉得不好,现在用了以后都喜欢的不得了,一直持续在买呢。其他的fresh面膜我也基本都用过了,效果没有这2个那么惊艳


Use Oatifix to clean and soften dry and sensitive skin. It was invented at our Ready Steady Create weekend by a group of enterprising Lush shop managers. You will be delighted to hear that a blend of fine oatmeal, fresh bananas, ground almonds and vanilla smells as tempting as a very posh breakfast, and even more delighted when you try it. Oats are a wonderful thing, they calm your skin and help to reduce cholesterol (when you eat them, anyway). Ground almonds give you an exfoliating scrub, bananas are a lovely, nutritious skin softner and illipe butter reduces redness. Get the Oatifix you need.

A Crash Course In Skincare

All skins need tender loving care. This is the kind of blend your mum would create if she could. It has rich, nutritious, organic avocado, freshly squeezed lemon juice to brighten and tone the skin and soothing natural yoghurt. There, that’s much better. Apply to clean skin, avoiding the eye area. Leave for five to ten minutes, then rinse away with warm water. Keep chilled.

握手mm,我也很爱lush的面膜,lush最近新出了一个面膜,对干和敏感性的肌肤很好,叫oatfix ,里面也有颗粒,有清洁的功效,是目前lush里面对干性肤质最好的面膜(用完不会很油的,我觉得混合肌肤绝对也可以使用) 这个绝对要试下;另外一个很好的面膜叫A Crash Course In Skincare,我记得中文名是美丽急救面膜,哈哈,这个效果也很好,有段时间我皮肤超级干(干到用什么都很痛,然后脸上看上去有一粒一粒的那种),然后我就连敷这个面膜3天,皮肤马上就恢复很好,我也推荐了我很多朋友去用,她们都很爱,都在和我说,原本她们很不喜欢lush这个牌子,因为每次路过香味太浓郁,觉得不好,现在用了以后都喜欢的不得了,一直持续在买呢。其他的fresh面膜我也基本都用过了,效果没有这2个那么惊艳


Use Oatifix to clean and soften dry and sensitive skin. It was invented at our Ready Steady Create weekend by a group of enterprising Lush shop managers. You will be delighted to hear that a blend of fine oatmeal, fresh bananas, ground almonds and vanilla smells as tempting as a very posh breakfast, and even more delighted when you try it. Oats are a wonderful thing, they calm your skin and help to reduce cholesterol (when you eat them, anyway). Ground almonds give you an exfoliating scrub, bananas are a lovely, nutritious skin softner and illipe butter reduces redness. Get the Oatifix you need.

A Crash Course In Skincare

All skins need tender loving care. This is the kind of blend your mum would create if she could. It has rich, nutritious, organic avocado, freshly squeezed lemon juice to brighten and tone the skin and soothing natural yoghurt. There, that’s much better. Apply to clean skin, avoiding the eye area. Leave for five to ten minutes, then rinse away with warm water. Keep chilled.


{:5_145:}为什么我的帖子要通过审核啊 好不方便

mm我现在冰箱里就有一盒oatafix. 没有什么特别的感觉也. 你用的时候有什么特别的方法么?

i am using their body polish too, but in pomegranate!