我的CFA lv.1学习日记

大家一起加油 =]

Book 1 Completed!
I finally finished the first book (and 3rd study session) on Tuesday. Reading 11 was quite long and involved hypothesis testing. The tests seem quite similar to each other in respect to the steps you take to find the answer but I will need to revise it again soon because I only got 67% for the end of chapter questions :frowning:

Reading 12 was interesting to read because it was about technical analysis. But since I believe in the efficient market hypothesis, I don’t think it will be that useful. I can’t imagine many questions coming up in the exam on this since whether you can be successful with these techniques are debatable.

I started economics today and reading 13 was on elasticity which I learned in econ201. I breezed through it quickly and checked out the other readings. They all seem short compared to the previous readings (only around 20 pages each) so I think it will be easy to do a reading a day for the next couple of weeks.

The June level 1 results came out today and only 35% of people passed. I hope you were one of them if you sat it. It seems very low but I believe I can be one of the few who do pass this December. Mainly because I have a solid study schedule now with the aim to finish going through the curriculum by the start of October. I also study at university (as opposed to working) and the subjects I’m taking will complement my CFA study. I think this gives me a strong advantage over the other candidates.



请问大家 大概报名多久后会把书寄来 下周报名截止了 有点想报6月伦敦的 但还是对自己没什么信心 不知道该不该报 有一些金融基础 但是之前一直在玩 完全没看过 所以很犹豫阿 不知道2个半月的时间是否够复习的

书三天就到了,超快的.不过都是看notes的,看书可能就来不及了.不过其实你可以报12月的,明年6月考lv 2. 因为12月只能考lv 1.所以如果你12月能过的话,你也不比今年6月考的人进度慢.

是这样 我想6月份如果考过的话 9月份就可以找工作了 不知道有CFA level 1 找工作会不会好些 不太想等到12月份 楼主复习到什么程度了 感觉如何

我觉得如果有人和你一起学的话两个月没啥问题.如果你不是这个专业背景的话等到4月再看就不行.我只是A-level的double maths和econ.但是大学6年完全没有关系.第一本书里面有很多关于统计学的definition我都忘了,我还找别人补一下课才可以…

后面我还没看,所以我就不知道了… 你想想嘛…6本书,每本都两百多页的内容你觉得一个星期一本你可以吗?

p.s.据我被告之的消息是, 拿到CFA lv.1和lv.2都对找工作没有太大的帮助,拿到lv. 3别人才会稍微考虑一下.

听着我都害怕 我决定报了 不报拖到12月份 不知道我还有什么事情呢 趁现在没事情 考了算了 考不过我就死了这条心了 你报在伦敦考吗 看得有没有点信心了 要加油阿 如果大家这么努力都没信心 我就更歇菜了…



加油加油 一起加油 有什么问题互相交流 加油!

我刚看到reading 41.其余都还没看。看了的也不是很熟练。

{:5_140:} 你都看过一半了.我还是看economics ing…

MM你的video哪里弄来的呀?可以PM我,或者直接回复吗?谢谢。 {:5_136:}


无意中看到百度知道上面有一个人在美国有律师执照想问考CFA的事情……{:5_134:} 要积极增强竞争力啊……


发了?有没有那么夸张……我看很多人考ACCA啊。 不过CFA是最少考试的,有无可无也正常……

我基本上没有看到哪个 job ad上说明工作需要CFA。 {:5_133:}

ACCA ACA CPA倒是看到过。 {:5_139:}

请问楼主 报名多久后 可以看到自己的shipping number 我上周五报的 现在还没看到shipping number 正常吗