小楼B座: Candy‘s MAC UNE MO'C P492 十八楼 妆 HAUL 试色 对比 化妆包 P496

I’m curious about your major now r u doin business or accounting like lol
that’s very clever ^^

我刚更新了哈 自己去看 :)

i am doing 2 degree course at the moment, major in material engineering and the other in management. Both of the course involve compulsory accounting course lol.

lol the song just suddenly appeared in my head yesterday I used it put it on al the time haha
I’m wonderin where’s that cute guy now ^^
the only song can remind me about a cute boy is cowboy from hell…
Not romantic at all no no ^^

o m g
no wonder !!!
I’m shoutin now haha
bravo ! Hands clapin ! Wow wow

I wish I studied harder : ( I’m too lazy

just to share how to buy all brushes using £5 off voucher:
i normally get something more than £5, i.e. boots own brand contact lens solution around £5.xx, then buy one brush, which is around £1.5-2 over £5. then get shower gel, pads, etc to make up a fiver, then get another voucher again. so on and on… lol
i do similar things in superdurgs, get the 10%/25% off voucher a few time in a month. even one of the makeup staff remember me already as the one i normally go is quite local, more blacks and whites, not many asian. lol

O啊 可是你一点点都不胖啊 完全fit


well, i was lazy too, i have been in trouble with my courses, i took more than 3 yrs in the course already. finger cross that i cam complete one next yr and the other one yr after next. lol

btw, i hv been ‘growing grass’ by mm’s barry m dazzle dust, i finally collect 13 of them lol. (though 1 from gosh and 2 from models own)


哈哈 你怎么会联系到想买眼影了
我就希望能把我有的用一遍就好 哎

那个我也不知道名字的… - -!

前面说了哦 可能你没看到 哈哈
LONGWEAR LIPGLOSS是MAC的 有挺多颜色的 我准备买个试试看

165我没有 官网上没得卖了 不过我也不喜欢165 太小了
138我想买来当粉底刷子的其实 不过确实有不少粉底刷了 所以不买也罢了 HOHO
我记得CROWN有个DUPE 不过有时间再看看好了 嘻嘻

HOHO HELLO桃子 确实很多页哈A楼 嘎嘎

oh i never knew all these thx very much for letin us know ^^

HOHO 是的哎 ^^

best of luck!

haha i havnt used all of em yet actually i kinda forgotten em for a long time mayb coz the weather
it was warmer week ago n i started usin some of em again ^^ love love love em still
now its 342 i might go out n get some more fun colours!
obtw how r gosh n models own’s? dont own any of em…

我觉得我自己很瘦 但是肚子上有肉的 T T
一直说要开始WORK OUT做SIT UPS 但是太懒惰了 唉

hahah… thz!

i actually bought them on ebay, just bought 6 for a tenner (included p&p) plus a pencil brush too!:cn08:

i haven’t try the gosh yet, as i bought a bright orange one when they are doing clearance sale in superdrug few weeks ago. Model’s own is okay… think Barry M is finer in powder and more colours, but there’s more choice in models own as they got sparkle ones too.