小楼B座: Candy‘s MAC UNE MO'C P492 十八楼 妆 HAUL 试色 对比 化妆包 P496

我。。。 其实都不存货。。。
但是。。。 听你说的。。。

应该是哦 我不记得 只看了一下没留意 :)

absolute true… that’s what i normally do too.

哈哈 我没新东西 东西你都有 不新奇
不过有个新鲜的 回头我更一下 你一定没见过

因为那个妞儿 是我见过我见过外国人里头 眼睛最小的一个了。。。
恩。。。恩。。。 看了她 我才知道 这个世上 外国人也有眯眯眼。。。恩。。。恩。。。

我仔细看了下to the beach发现555 太烧我了
in the grove还没pic哦


K 我还等着你给我看你的jacket呢 找到下身配没

哈哈哈 我之前一flatmate鼻子比我还扁 我看了也惊了

{:5_136:} 因为你是高鼻梁啊。。。

yup!! but i didn’t have the chance to take photo, as i cant even bring phone into st james palace, and i was too tired when i back home, so now the trouser is in the wash :cn06: but i managed to see Prince Edward though :cn08:
anyway, that’s the trousers:

and let me grab my jacket and take a photo 1st, brb. :cn15:

555我不是哇 因为我脸太平了 所有某些角度看起来好像还有那么点儿 哈哈

你戴墨镜的那张 已经很清楚。。。 你的小鼻子很挺了。。。
你去问OO… 我就是一张圆饼。。。恩。。。

grey这件么 颜色ok么 不过裤子很好看挖

谁能告诉我 say yes to carrots 有什么好东西阿

i think it’s better than try to find a matching colour trouser as i didnt manage to find an exact match outside, maybe i should try to find one in aquascutum in next sale, as it’s bit too $$ if it is not on sale.:cn14:

but anyway, here’s a quick foto:

this trouser is actually fitted me well, as i have a hugh tummy and i am definitely not slim at all, and i wear this with black colour boots. think this maybe too boylish though, hahaha…

btw, barbour shirts are damn good, both fitting and qualit, i was wearing one with this and it looks so posh… :cn08:

阿 你还不相信了 回头给你真人看你就知道了 :)

哈哈 我就一个东西 没建议

