小楼B座: Candy‘s MAC UNE MO'C P492 十八楼 妆 HAUL 试色 对比 化妆包 P496

i am into that mua e/s shade 9 @.@ why dont i get that in the 1st place…

我今天去BOOTS竟然完全忘记PRESTIGE的事情了 = =
回头还要再去一趟 ^^
你收的什么颜色的 是TOTAL INTENSIVE (or similar XD) 的还是其他的?

今天我去的时候我拿了最后一块 SHADE 9 ^^

cry~ i don’t want to pop to superdrug esp for that as i will always get something extra @.@

K 你是不是发了 三角号? 就是键盘右边SHIFT旁边的旁边那个 大于 的那个
不要打那个 不然你发的东西就显示不出来了

got 2 total intensity, black and brown colour, i want to get green/ olive one, but there’s none in my local boots store @.@ and get 1 mineral eyeliner in grey… tested all out yesterday, total intensity is even better than gosh velvet, think i will get that when there’s next 342. lol mineral is more like traditional kohl, don’t hold that well. also, think of trying revlon colour stay as i heard good reviews from the japanese version, though not sure whether it’s the same or not.


yup… thz 4 reminding.

:stuck_out_tongue: 只是我们这儿 不过可能还会补货的 HOHO
MUA不错哟 米让我失望 ^^

hahah… i have tested the mascara yesterday… don’t think it’s a v. good buy as it doesn’t give much volume and length. but only good thing is that it actually last so i think i will use it as a coating more. lol
that’s the brush head, which i quite like.

btw, if you r going to boots, check out the false lashes, i found a few box of 17 false lashes for only 38p and Revlon one for £1.5, bt not sure whether it’s for all stores or not. haha

嗯嗯 我也想要那个绿色的 明天来得及的话我就去瞄一眼
是么是么 那正好我也去看看试试看MINERAL的
REVLON COLORSTAY 有3种 我听到说好的是其中一种 那种转出来的 我买了两个 确实STAY很好的
你再去自己试试看 ^^

上次342我还考虑了一下 不过我想到fragrancedirect上面REVLON的唇彩1镑5一支 我就觉得还是网购好了

hmm… i don’t like twisted out ones, don’t know why, but i will check out next time… (but dont think that will happen soon as i got too many eyeliners already…waaaaaa:cn10: )

:sunglasses: 不客气 :lol:

哇哈哈 抱拳ING 多谢 XD
我去看看 YEAH~~

今天收到OO寄给我的4支睫毛膏小样 DIOR EXTASE/CLINIQUE一个/LANCOME一个/还有另外一个我忘记了 HOHO
还没试完 明天再用用看 ^^ 不过目前还是MAYBELLINE XXL和我心意

我跟你相反 我喜欢转出来的 :lol:
我懒得削 XD
嗯嗯 淡定吧 我最近也收了不少 不过再屯几根PRESTIGE的就够了 ^^

hahahha… just doing retail therapy… too stress… lol… just order some beauty books from taiwan, cant wait!
dior is good, lancome is also good, but my favourite atm is actually body shop / benefit bad gal. kaka…


BAD GAL我还有个送的 跟DIOR BLACKOUT的头好像啊 巨大
还没用呢 忽然想起来… BODY SHOP的没用过 我睫毛实在问题多多 又短又硬 需要很好的HOLDING POWER才可以 T T

RETAIL THERAPY LOL 小声说 扔给我个链接吧 THX XD 为啥老是有求于你呢 我只能献身回报了 算了 我知道你不要 :lol:

我好像最近2个她的VID都没看咯 我一会儿去补补课
没事 喜欢就好 ^^