小楼B座: Candy‘s MAC UNE MO'C P492 十八楼 妆 HAUL 试色 对比 化妆包 P496


on the product description page, there’s a column said time left, and there’s a bracket behind the countdown and tell you when is the ending time. for eg 3h 12 m 14s (09 May, 2010 12:38:57 BST). also, don’t just enter minimum bid price if you dont have time to catch it last minute. enter the maximum bid that you want to pay, then ebay will automatically enter bids for you until the max price, that will save you some trouble of reminding yourself to bid.

btw, i am interesting laura geller now too, kaka… just check out sephora online, it is only USD$6 for one e/s, wtf… i almost want to ask either my aunt/ fd to get that for me… hahah…


看了你的闲置 {:5_139:} J你还是舍不得放腮红啊 再加点东西嘛


那就给他刷呗 ^^

btw, mm, thz for telling me a new brand, just bought one e/s on ebay today too, cant wait to see that!!

啊 原来是这么回事…这下我明白了 看看下次找个laura geller的东西试试看 ^^ thx!!!
6刀?!是SALE的价格么 真是便宜哇 我只知道他们有SET好像还挺值得的 只不过里面的眼影跟所有的都特小 我bid的这个貌似就是full size的大小了 net wt. 1.8g 不过算下来我bid的价格还是很值得的 大概是4块运费1块ish 不过很多buy it now的定价在9左右 看来就不值得了嘛

corned beef hash 哈 简单食品 不过我做的话只能所有都买现成的 然后混在一起热热吃 ^^

哈哈 那你等等看吧 我回头再继续拍 然后再PM你

corned beef hash 哈 就是罐头的corned beef跟土豆泥 貌似这挺古老的 我问了问来源 貌似还是很穷的人吃的那种 因为1镑钱就能管一家人的肚子了那种 ^^

谢谢安慰 我等着明天早上收 HOHO

嘻嘻 不客气 正好我拍了试色 这个眼影用手跟用刷子上色都不同 而且需要打底才能完全看出它的美好

小声说 which one did u get? ^^


Laura Geller - Fire Water

以上是用手指直接试色的 用刷子的话效果是不一样的 不同的刷子也有不同的效果之前就看到说L.G的眼影需要打底 用了打底以后颜色就非常美貌了

MAC - Sea & Sky

yup, it’s on sale on sephora atm :cn18: they are 23USD original…

just bought a marble e/s, tiramisu colour for 99p + £1.5P&P. been hunting for that for a whole day… kaka… i felt so lucky…(dont throw stones at me, or i will run~)

啊啊啊 为虾米我碰不到这种事情 好吧 我都忘记了其实我有在watching的东西 只不过现在想起来 已经ended了 T T
啊啊啊 我嫉妒嫉妒你! 收到放个照片哦 ^^ 我之前也看到那个了 不过最喜欢fire water所以只买了一个先试试看 哈哈


yup!!! so regret that i didnt even go to sephora to have a crazy shopping though i got a good amount of pocket money when i was at my grand’s in the states!!!

when i was in a level, the lower yr guys always set alarms to remind themselves to bid, i thought they are crazy, but now just think it actually make sense if you really like that goodie. or just do it online, i normally just buy on my mobile.

ebay买东西还是很方便的 不过总是ebay us上的东西多了很多
让我想起来最早开心网的农场 也是有人定alarm去收菜的 XD 就像facebook上的zombie farm类似的 hoho
我也想去sephora还有target 现在还念念不忘 sonia kashuk的限量刷子 T T 等我有机会去美国了再说吧 实在不想麻烦别人帮我买刷子 - -!

正好我去看一眼ebay我在watch Laura Geller的2个eyeshadows不过有可能你买的那个就是我watch的一个 哈哈哈

哦 我watch的一定不是你bid的 哈哈 刚看了一眼 ended - £3.36 ^^

i did bid that, but just thought it is too costly… so i stop 1/2 way then realise that that seller has a few and the one i won is the last one today, as i think he/she put out 3/4 e/s today.

same… dont want to ask others to get for me, but when i was there, i wont have time as too many relatives to see and they still treat me like 10yr old while forgot i been here in uk alone since age 13 :cn10: :cn06:

怪不得怪不得 我要再去找找看 祝我成功吧 XD

在他们眼里你永远都是孩子啦 ^^

发现最近都没得bid了 那个seller的都是还有6天才会end的…不着急 我慢慢看吧 ^^