小楼B座: Candy‘s MAC UNE MO'C P492 十八楼 妆 HAUL 试色 对比 化妆包 P496


你还好吧?看到你不开心还在msn上找了一圈呢 想起好像从来没看到过你上线耶~~

J啊 我草上mac一唇膏 色号giddy 是以前的一个限量 看网上别人试色就爱上了 你也看看吧 或者搜索韩语기디能google出韩国妞的试色 看起来不错呢

还有please me你喜欢不?

probably will be as good as before.

btw, just wondering, is to the beach collection instore yet? coz i thinking of heading to a store on thurs.

Thx for sayin this ^^

I guess they r in store already just won’t start sellin till this Thu
if u go to a mac counter or store n ask them if u can book or make a purchase in advan
they may give u straight away coz I saw someone said she did that way who’s in eu
uk might b a different case I’m not sure

got ur bf sorted? ^^ r u gettin anything in particular?

我去google了一下 很美哇
please me是matte pink是不是 我开始反应以为是pink please
看起来也挺美的 就是不晓得到我脸上如何
我看m.a的review说是个很美的matte pink还有说春夏可能不喜欢 但是很秋天的一个
555为啥我这儿没mac store

还有哦 你哪儿还能买giddy哇

谢谢你亲爱的 :) 我没事啦 我bf说我特心宽 hoho
今天又活蹦乱跳了 嘿嘿 顺便说 mm你喜欢吃甜食么
Rolo cookie好好吃哇 :)

我平时很少msn or qq 不知道为什么不大想得起来 你要是看到我在论坛 叫我一声 我就上去了 哈哈

Hoho 差不多的 喜欢啥买啥 就是为了开心嘛 :)

我虽然不是独生 不过将来也是想要2个孩子的 哈
双胞胎就很好 嘿嘿 我也做梦下 不过因为我2个表姐都生了双胞胎跟龙凤胎
哇哈哈 makes me wondering…heehee
我准备差不多了就要宝宝了 管他同意不同意 不然我太老了 XD

lol… not really… but i am going to take his card to the store… kaka… as he is too tired to realise that with 2 exams coming up this week. kakaka… tell you one thing (in a very low voice): i saw mac store in carnaby street is doing 20% on thurs, so probably have a look. :cn10: :cn08:

啊 不要妄自菲薄哈 大家共同进步呗 嘿嘿

have u missed a word as o f f ?
Is that real!!!
A a a u have to get sth then lol

I can’t spend 2 much this month anymore, one of my flatmate is leavin without 1 month notice so I have to pay for his part this month :frowning: hope I can get the next person asap
or I’ll die XD

yup… typo… missed the off word. lol
er… sorry to hear that… that’s very meant of him/her, cant people just plan themselves these days… same as my flatmate, he simply doesnt plan or care about anything. got to find another place this summer as my bf is leaving uk. @.@

That’s also what my the other flatmate (call him b) said today
a is leaving this fri while the rent is due next mon
He said he’s got plenty troubles I thought he wouldn’t lie but god knows
b never trusted him haha scottsman n Englishman stuff lol

ur bf is leaving? For good? Wat u two gonna do
r u okay darling?

i really think you should ask a to have a good talk about these as he is gaining on your loss. well, i am alright, coz my bf is supported by his work place to come to london to study, so now just he needs to full fill his duty on the contract. so its kind of expected in the 1st place…




good news! B might has someone to move in
yeah!!! Gonna b another white = =
hope he’s cute lol

I’m sure u will work out love will always gather u together if u have faith in it
hug hug

lol… good news for you… thanks… i don’t know… still got some time to think as he stays until sep.