小楼B座: Candy‘s MAC UNE MO'C P492 十八楼 妆 HAUL 试色 对比 化妆包 P496

J, 我明儿就去买to the beach 了

U must in a deep sleep while I was updating (:

it’s called tirmasu ain’t
it looks lovely have u tried put primer underneath
the colour would b much more opaque
I’ll try to get my hand on it I’m watching a few atm none of em will end till 3-day time
hope I can get some bargains ^^

oh btw David Cameron is the PM now Nick Clegg finally decided to support him
well at least they both r good looking (:
I don’t really care about politics XD

啊 那我回头也找找看 找到告诉你 :)
please me到手了放来看看哈

yea, nice name, isn’t it? but no, hvnt use it with primer yet… coz once i got it from postman, then pop to local veg market… btw, gosh is on 342 atm, bit tempted to get more eyeliner… but got too much atm… should try that next time when the weather is good.

lol Cameron used to be my local MP, so i did vote for his party. i had a mix combination at home as my bf prefer Clegg, while my flatmate prefer Brown. kakak, when we went to vote, we tried to persuade each other to vote something else.

哈哈 收到我txt没
flurry of fun灰常美!
搞的我很想把剩下俩也收了 不过我要纠结一下 哈哈

是呀是呀 我本来没想要mac那个coral paintpot了
结果今天看了一个爱尔兰化妆师用那个 又在心痒痒咯 哈哈


多拍拍就好了 下个光影魔术手 改图很方便的 :)
吴 你的mac还没到么 我第二单今早就到了 飞速哇这次

我没看手机啊, 我要唇彩全收来慰问自己的工作!!。。

god I really can’t buy eyeliners anymore one voice tells me this n the other voice tells me to go get more!!! 555
life is a straggle XD
I’ll go have a look ^^ r u interested in topshop makeup line? The cream blushes r shouting to me ever since XD

Cameron m clegg r both graduate from Cambridge don’t they
I only know one person who voted the rest of ppl r sayin can’t b bothered or they say it’s nothin to do with them with Scotland
I would vote for Clegg or brown just because of their parties
for clegg there’s one more reason is he’s best lookin among these 3 XD

same same… i am so temped too with the new topshop collection, thinking of either getting it on ebay/ blog sale, not too keen to get brand new ones…
Cameron studied in Oxford instead and i quite agreed with you Clegg is better looking, esp i think Brown looks like a shunk potato =.=/// lol

谢谢mm鼓励 :))

嘎嘎 那我继续去你那儿做功课 我觉得它们不会一下卖光光的哈

hahaha and also he’s got a glass eye XD someone told me it was a accident while he played rugby
I couldn’t stop looking his eyes since always try to figure out which one is the glass eye
they look quite real!

hoho, 那个唇膏怎么样啊, beachbound

yea… that’s the only one thing i admire Brown, without one eye, he still able to climb up to the top. so tough.

明天出to the beach 啦,我还在想还买不买东西啊


OO chanel的新唇膏什么时候出啊。

还是没上嘴 没心情玩它们
最近非常lack睡眠哇 是质量不好

我不喜欢beachbound 真的 不讨厌
我喜欢lazy day!!