小楼B座: Candy‘s MAC UNE MO'C P492 十八楼 妆 HAUL 试色 对比 化妆包 P496

I am fine, but soon into a ''hermit" mode as i got 8 exams in 2 months @.@ how about you? how’s everything?
well, thanks for your suggestions, I was thinking of buying sigma travel set as i want a smaller size for travel, and also I don’t have a duo fibre brush (the mac 187 dupe), compare with crown brush already, but the prices are similar @.@//
dior is good, but think sightly out of my budget for 4 brushes… but i think i will go to ebay and have a search lol.

你们好能熬啊。。。别学我 黑眼圈 眼袋都是熬夜惹得祸呢 看你们聊天还真逗。。。鬼故事那段。。。



mm工作好辛苦哦 要注意身体哈

poor u…后来有没有睡觉啦…


coco rouge05号太棒了,我揣摩揣摩,现在就是喜欢,但是形容不出来@.@

I’m good thx actually I’m not I’m in a shit hole at the moment :frowning: but I’m trying my best to sort everything out so just chill out I’ll be fine fingers x :slight_smile: it says when one window is closed there often is another one open for u…my bf said that to comfort me the other day T T

anyway^^ I think sigma travel set is a lil bit over priced
yes try eBay I saw a pink Lancaster brush travel set was only about 4 quid
just wasn’t sure the quality of em : )

o btw good luck for ur exams!!!

娃哈哈 我现在wear的就是5号 每天放包里装着 啦啦啦

哈 我们都是夜猫子 今天要早睡了 今天醒来时候睁眼很困难
Bon来了要问问她最后如何了 嘎嘎

你试试04 cashmere,我觉得那也是特日常一色

谢谢difanni ^^
近视眼太多了哇 离近看比较明显 远看还ok的 :)



好的哎 回头我去试试看
你现在如何 睡觉没 还在赶作业么

好 我找找看哦

ooo…support!!:cn02: things will be better round the corner, you never know!


mm那个在A楼第九页 不过链接失效啦
或者你搜索 - 让你年轻十岁的妆


谢谢 T T 承你吉言 能看懂么 还有句古话 船到桥头自然直
哈哈 开心有人比我中文差 嘎嘎

