学习版预祝六月ACCA考生考试顺利-更新BPP&FTC Exam Tips

English legal system
– delegated legislation
– civil vs. criminal law
– tribunals
– court structure
Contract law
– exclusion clauses
– incorporation
– consideration
– part payment
– terms of contract
– intention to create legal relations
– offer and acceptance
– breach of contract
– damages
Tort of negligence
– elements of the tort of negligence
– economic loss
Employment Law
– wrongful & unfair dismissal
– remedies
– employee v self employed
– authority of agents
– how agency relationship arises
– liability of agents & partners
– types of partnerships
– termination of partnership
Company Law
– company formation, procedures and documents
– promoters and pre-incorporation contracts
– statutory books, returns and records
– choice of business structure
– issue shares at a discount/premium
– class rights
– debentures & charges
– appointment & removal of directors
– directors powers/authority/duties
– types of directors
– types of meetings
– appointment, duties & powers of company secretary
– voluntary liquidation
– application of assets on winding up
– corporate governance
Fraudulent behaviour
– insider dealing
– money laundering

– Financial and non-financial performance indicators
– Learning curves
– Pricing
– Mix and Yield variances
– Transfer Pricing
– Activity Based Costing


Question 1
2 or 3 company Statement of financial position – possible adjustments to include deferred cash, share exchange, inter-company loan or current account, PURP in inventory and non-current asset, goodwill calculation and impairment under the fair value method.
Question 2
Redraft of the financial statements (also to include SOCIE) – possible adjustments to include sale and repurchase, revaluation, investment property, depreciation, financial liability using amortised cost, financial asset, deferred tax, IFRS 5 – held for sale or discontinued operation.
Question 3
Possible mixed interpretation question to include a calculation of an element of a statement of cash flow and a report to include calculation of ratios and interpretation of the accounts using the statement of cash flow and ratio results.
Question 4 and 5
Finance lease, Impairment, IASB Framework (elements or qualitative characteristics), Substance over form, Non-current assets, IFRS 5.

– Systems: inventory, purchases, payroll sources of questions for the June 2010 sitting include:
– Facts/standards: ISA’s 200, 210, 320, 560, ISA 570 going concern
– ethics/acceptance
– not for profit organisations
– Completion and auditor’s reports
Subjects of recent articles:
– New examiner’s approach article
Please be aware that the new examiner has suggested that the questions will not be restricted to topic areas, i.e. question 1 won’t just be about systems and controls; it could be an audit risk question. For that reason we are going into this exam a little blind.

Investment appraisal
This is a key topic which seems highly likely to be examined every time. Expect a more complex NPV or IRR with tax and possibly inflation and working capital.
Working Capital Management
Another key topic which is likely to examined every time. Exams to date have covered much of this topic. The more traditional aspects of receivables and inventory management are perhaps due a turn.
This has been examined in virtually every F9 exam to date so is clearly a favourite of the examiner. Asset and cash flow based values have yet to be examined.
Business Finance
This topic has been heavily examined recently. However financing ratios are an area the examiner likes. Gearing/capital structure calculations and commentary are a favourite of his and so always worth being on top of.
Cost of Capital
This topic has featured in each of past four exams, with the primary focus being on the series of articles published by the examiner in 2008. Although the examiner might choose to leave this topic alone this time, you should still ensure you have a good understanding of this area.
Risk Management
Within this section of the syllabus, foreign exchange risk has been examined more often than interest rate risk. However, both are fairly under-examined areas of the syllabus as a whole and so this is a topic worth being on top of.
The Financial Management Function and the impact of the economic environment upon it
These topics have largely been ignored thus far although a discussion of the role of financial intermediaries was called for in the December 09 exam. Despite the examiners assertion in his first article about F9 that all topics carry equal weight we can probably expect these topics to continue to take a back seat. Having said that the most examinable area here is probably that of objectives in both the corporate and NFP sectors.

Investment appraisal
This is a key topic which seems highly likely to be examined every time. Expect a more complex NPV or IRR with tax and possibly inflation and working capital.
Working Capital Management
Another key topic which is likely to examined every time. Exams to date have covered much of this topic. The more traditional aspects of receivables and inventory management are perhaps due a turn.
This has been examined in virtually every F9 exam to date so is clearly a favourite of the examiner. Asset and cash flow based values have yet to be examined.
Business Finance
This topic has been heavily examined recently. However financing ratios are an area the examiner likes. Gearing/capital structure calculations and commentary are a favourite of his and so always worth being on top of.
Cost of Capital
This topic has featured in each of past four exams, with the primary focus being on the series of articles published by the examiner in 2008. Although the examiner might choose to leave this topic alone this time, you should still ensure you have a good understanding of this area.
Risk Management
Within this section of the syllabus, foreign exchange risk has been examined more often than interest rate risk. However, both are fairly under-examined areas of the syllabus as a whole and so this is a topic worth being on top of.
The Financial Management Function and the impact of the economic environment upon it
These topics have largely been ignored thus far although a discussion of the role of financial intermediaries was called for in the December 09 exam. Despite the examiners assertion in his first article about F9 that all topics carry equal weight we can probably expect these topics to continue to take a back seat. Having said that the most examinable area here is probably that of objectives in both the corporate and NFP sectors.

Investment appraisal
This is a key topic which seems highly likely to be examined every time. Expect a more complex NPV or IRR with tax and possibly inflation and working capital.
Working Capital Management
Another key topic which is likely to examined every time. Exams to date have covered much of this topic. The more traditional aspects of receivables and inventory management are perhaps due a turn.
This has been examined in virtually every F9 exam to date so is clearly a favourite of the examiner. Asset and cash flow based values have yet to be examined.
Business Finance
This topic has been heavily examined recently. However financing ratios are an area the examiner likes. Gearing/capital structure calculations and commentary are a favourite of his and so always worth being on top of.
Cost of Capital
This topic has featured in each of past four exams, with the primary focus being on the series of articles published by the examiner in 2008. Although the examiner might choose to leave this topic alone this time, you should still ensure you have a good understanding of this area.
Risk Management
Within this section of the syllabus, foreign exchange risk has been examined more often than interest rate risk. However, both are fairly under-examined areas of the syllabus as a whole and so this is a topic worth being on top of.
The Financial Management Function and the impact of the economic environment upon it
These topics have largely been ignored thus far although a discussion of the role of financial intermediaries was called for in the December 09 exam. Despite the examiners assertion in his first article about F9 that all topics carry equal weight we can probably expect these topics to continue to take a back seat. Having said that the most examinable area here is probably that of objectives in both the corporate and NFP sectors.

Section A – group statement of comprehensive income. Elements of other comprehensive income may include impairments of financial assets and/or PPE which have previously been revalued, accounting for an associate and a foreign subsidiary. Reporting standards examined may include:
– Non-current assets, particularly held for sale and discontinued activities
– Impairments
– Provisions
– Tax
– Employee benefits
– Leases
– Intangibles
– Financial instruments
– Reporting financial performance, particularly discontinued activities.
Section B – the conceptual or current issues topic is difficult to call as there are so many current developments. Questions dealing with IAS GAAP and US GAAP convergence, together with IFRS for SME have been written for the revision mock. Other topics such as the possible revision of IAS 17 which would result in all leases (finance and operating leases) being recognised on the SOFP is another possible topic and is included within the revision mock exam.
Typical IAS/IFRS knowledge which may be required includes:
– Non-current assets
– Held for sale and discontinued activities
– Impairments
– Provisions
– Tax
– Employee benefits
– Leases
– Intangibles
– Financial instruments
– Reporting financial performance
– Revenue recognitions
– Events after the reporting date

Investment appraisal
This is a key topic which seems highly likely to be examined every time. Expect a more complex NPV or IRR with tax and possibly inflation and working capital.
Working Capital Management
Another key topic which is likely to examined every time. Exams to date have covered much of this topic. The more traditional aspects of receivables and inventory management are perhaps due a turn.
This has been examined in virtually every F9 exam to date so is clearly a favourite of the examiner. Asset and cash flow based values have yet to be examined.
Business Finance
This topic has been heavily examined recently. However financing ratios are an area the examiner likes. Gearing/capital structure calculations and commentary are a favourite of his and so always worth being on top of.
Cost of Capital
This topic has featured in each of past four exams, with the primary focus being on the series of articles published by the examiner in 2008. Although the examiner might choose to leave this topic alone this time, you should still ensure you have a good understanding of this area.
Risk Management
Within this section of the syllabus, foreign exchange risk has been examined more often than interest rate risk. However, both are fairly under-examined areas of the syllabus as a whole and so this is a topic worth being on top of.
The Financial Management Function and the impact of the economic environment upon it
These topics have largely been ignored thus far although a discussion of the role of financial intermediaries was called for in the December 09 exam. Despite the examiners assertion in his first article about F9 that all topics carry equal weight we can probably expect these topics to continue to take a back seat. Having said that the most examinable area here is probably that of objectives in both the corporate and NFP sectors.

Investment appraisal
This is a key topic which seems highly likely to be examined every time. Expect a more complex NPV or IRR with tax and possibly inflation and working capital.
Working Capital Management
Another key topic which is likely to examined every time. Exams to date have covered much of this topic. The more traditional aspects of receivables and inventory management are perhaps due a turn.
This has been examined in virtually every F9 exam to date so is clearly a favourite of the examiner. Asset and cash flow based values have yet to be examined.
Business Finance
This topic has been heavily examined recently. However financing ratios are an area the examiner likes. Gearing/capital structure calculations and commentary are a favourite of his and so always worth being on top of.
Cost of Capital
This topic has featured in each of past four exams, with the primary focus being on the series of articles published by the examiner in 2008. Although the examiner might choose to leave this topic alone this time, you should still ensure you have a good understanding of this area.
Risk Management
Within this section of the syllabus, foreign exchange risk has been examined more often than interest rate risk. However, both are fairly under-examined areas of the syllabus as a whole and so this is a topic worth being on top of.
The Financial Management Function and the impact of the economic environment upon it
These topics have largely been ignored thus far although a discussion of the role of financial intermediaries was called for in the December 09 exam. Despite the examiners assertion in his first article about F9 that all topics carry equal weight we can probably expect these topics to continue to take a back seat. Having said that the most examinable area here is probably that of objectives in both the corporate and NFP sectors.

Investment appraisal
This is a key topic which seems highly likely to be examined every time. Expect a more complex NPV or IRR with tax and possibly inflation and working capital.
Working Capital Management
Another key topic which is likely to examined every time. Exams to date have covered much of this topic. The more traditional aspects of receivables and inventory management are perhaps due a turn.
This has been examined in virtually every F9 exam to date so is clearly a favourite of the examiner. Asset and cash flow based values have yet to be examined.
Business Finance
This topic has been heavily examined recently. However financing ratios are an area the examiner likes. Gearing/capital structure calculations and commentary are a favourite of his and so always worth being on top of.

求P3的。 感谢{:5_145:}




P3 FTC en-gage上面给的
– Strategy evaluation
– Environmental or internal analysis
– Business process change
– Managing change
– Marketing
– Quality
– Organisation structure

老师说了 tips就是…全部都看


Income tax
– Husband and wife
– Joint investment income
– Some exempt income
– Gift Aid donations extending basic rate band
– Age allowance
– Furnished holiday lettings (treat as trading income)
– Employment Income - benefits
– National insurance
Corporation tax
– Possibly a short period of account
– Capital allowances including IBA
– Rental profits with lease premiums
– Quarterly accounting for large companies
– Separate part of question 1 or 2 or whole question 4 (as in June 2009)
– VAT return
– Cash accounting scheme
– Flat rate scheme
– Tax point rules
– Control visit / mis-declaration
Capital gains tax
– Individual making disposals
– Disposal of chattels
– Transfer between spouses
– Principal private residence relief
– Part disposal
– Rollover and gift relief
Sundry topics for questions 4 and 5
– Partnerships with loss
– Sole trader losses
– Self Assessment – due dates, POA

– Corporate governance: internal and external actors
– Normative / instrumental stakeholder views
– Ethical behaviour
– Rules vs. principles approaches to corporate governance
– CSR / corporate citizenship
– Audit committee

Core areas (as per examiner’s approach article) likely to be examined in every paper:
– Engagement planning and risk assessment;
– Engagement procedures (i.e. evidence);
– Ethics and professional issues;
– Engagement reporting (ISA’s 700, 705, 706 in particular); Subjects of recent articles yet to be examined:
– Auditing in a Computer Based Environment;
– Audit of employee benefits and discontinued operations;
– ISA 570 Going Concern;
– ISA 540 Audit of Accounting Estimates. ‘Peripheral areas’ from examiner’s approach article yet to be examined:
– Regulatory framework;
– Corporate governance and internal audit;

and Also note that due diligence, forensics and group audits have not been examined for at least 18 months and could feature again.

我班上有个XX,考完了cima, 现在同时在学ACCA和CFA,你说他究竟想干神魔?

1。BIG coporate govenece analysis+stakeholders+csr
2.evalute a board/diretor remuneration
3.transaction cost theory—从来没考过的哟
4.gray/owen/adams 这三个无聊的家伙!
5。social environment audit.