苹果世界开发者大会2010直播结束. iPhone 4 发布!! 请大家在这里讨论

11:51AM “This is going to change everything… all over again.”

11:53AM “I put up this slide a little earlier this year. It represents what Apple is all about. We’re not just a tech company. Apple is more than that. It’s tech and humanity. It’s the hardware and the software working together. It’s not just a great new camera system, it’s the editing too, it’s not just a front-facing camera, it’s that plus 18 months of work on the software side. It’s the complete solution, so all of us don’t have to be system integrators.”

11:53AM “I urge you to get your hands on one of these and see it for yourself. I just want to say thanks to the teams that have worked their tails off to create these products.” We think we know where this is going.

11:53AM Jobs is listing off team members to applause…

11:55AM “And all the rest of the family that just supports us in a thousand ways… awesome job. So this our new baby, I hope you love it as much as we do. Thank you very much.”

OS 4,6月21日开始免费升级

iOS4支持iPhone 3GS/iPhone 3G(部分功能不支持),ipod touch


11:55AM And that’s all she wrote! Thanks for reading, and thanks to Justin Glow, Dan Chilton, and the Blogsmith and Netops teams for keeping us afloat!

鬼版 开个贴吧, 大家讨论下~

完啦~!! 谢谢MB鼎立支持!! 谢谢大家关注数码版的转播! :cn08:


感谢 感谢

开新帖讨论啊, 这贴太长了…

其实我最关心的还是价格问题…美国32G 才299刀, 到英国来不知道会涨多少~



我觉得这次HD 发布会,乔布斯有点把 3GS 比下去的感觉~

到 china can use?