

我已经在英国呆了6年,5.5年学生签+半年PSW。 刚刚拿了 spouse visa,然后2012年10月8日到期。

那我是不是在大约08/10/2012的时候 可以申请永居然后 直接入籍 不用再等一年? 谢谢

回复楼上的, 是这样的, 如果还是按现在政策的话. 但明年7月新政策出来就不知道了. 你要关注.

我讓我老婆 看過那些法案, 好像沒有提到什麽永久居留。 它的入籍要求好像是 拿spouse visa 2年 並且在英國已經居住滿3年就可以了。

你看的什么法案? 听着比现在的政策还宽松,按TORY 的风格只会越来越严.


反正不管那麽多啦,也不差這一年半載。 入籍反正是遲早的事情。

這就是法案 沒有提及任何 先要取得 永久居留權 先的字眼:

If you meet the requirements for naturalisation you should go to the applying for naturalisation as a British citizen section for details on how to apply.

There are seven requirements you need to meet before you apply:

■you are aged 18 or over; and
■you are of sound mind; and
■you can communicate in English, Welsh or Scottish Gaelic to an acceptable degree; and
■you have sufficient knowledge of life in the United Kingdom; and
■you are of good character; and
■you are the husband, wife or civil partner of a British citizen; and
■you meet the residential requirements; or
■your husband, wife or civil partner is in Crown or designated service outside the United Kingdom.
Residential requirements

In order to demonstrate the residential requirements for naturalisation you need to:

■have been resident in the United Kingdom for at least three years (this is known as the residential qualifying period); and
■have been present in the United Kingdom three years before the date of your application; and
■have not spent more than 270 days outside the United Kingdom during the three-year period; and
■have not spend more than 90 days outside the United Kingdom in the last 12 months of the three-year period; and
■have not been in breach of the immigration rules at any stage during the three-year period.


嗯,这就是现行的政策. 请接着读下去.

Start of the residential qualifying period

The residential qualifying period will be worked out from the day we receive your application. Most unsuccessful applications fail because the applicant was not present in the United Kingdom at the beginning of the residential qualifying period. You must make sure you meet this requirement before you make your application. For example, if we received your application on 25 November 2005, you would have to show that you were in the United Kingdom on 26 November 2002.

You cannot count time you have spent in the United Kingdom while exempt from immigration control as part of the residential qualifying period. If you are in the United Kingdom as a diplomat or as a member of visiting armed forces or if you are in any place of detention, you would be considered exempt from immigration control. This time would be treated as absence from the United Kingdom.

Immigration time restrictions

You must be free from immigration time restrictions on the day you make your application.

这就是说明要取得永居. 如果你签证上有时间限制,(婚签是两年,和eea 是五年)就说明you are not free from immigration time restrictions. 我刚办的所以比较清楚. 我不是跟你较劲.只是我当时是这样一步一步走过来的,希望你也顺利成功.

在填寫申請citizenship表格的那個 guide 裡面。’BREACH OF IMMIGRATION LAW/ IMMIGRATION TIME RESTRICTIONS’ 這一項 似乎間接地否認了通過婚姻入籍需要 先拿永居的說法。

“… Unless you are married to or the civil partner of a British citizen, you should have been free from immigration time restrictions during the last 12 months of this period. Usually there is a stamp or sticker in your passport saying that you have indefinite leave to enter or remain or no time limit on your stay…"






我的情况是,我办spouse visa之前,在国内呆了半年,中间是有3个月的visa gap (也就是说,那3个月我是没有英国visa的),但这3个月之前一直都是学生签(2年的学生签)。


我永居明年换护照,我老婆学生签证这个月刚转的spouse visa,之前已经在英国住好几年了。我们这个情况,我老婆可以拿到永居后直接申请护照不用再等一年了?






按照现有条例,Spouse visa两年后可以申请pr。如果满足下列条件,拿到pr后,马上可以入籍。Homeoffice网站上写得清清楚楚,我给你这个懒人总结总结!


额, eea2 我不知道是虾米dd,不好意思哈