和大家分享一下CITI IBD 申请(面试/AC)经验

真的就是很简单的题哦… 全是加减乘除…我截了个图… 你看看吧…

问题被遮住了… 是 if in one month, I make a total of 10 hours of calls at standard hours, how much more or less will I pay for Basic contract than for Premium?

选项和题的难度没什么关系吧… 你做出来的答案只有一个呀… 不管选项是4个还是100个, 你都只选你得到的答案嘛…


there are definitely more public deals in retail and consumer, those sectors are more intuitive to understand and more fun to work with. Imaging working on the Kraft/Cadbury deal, front page of the FT, how exciting is that.

Healthcare deals tend to be smaller, and i really don’t care how local care centers are operating.

its different to any others, i did logical test with them, a bit BT at the beginning, but it will be ok once u got used to it,



就是在那些公司的CAREER 网站上找到的哦

efinancialcareers / graduate and internship


6月底吧… 具体时间还不清楚呢~~

我马上就要去AC了 谢谢LZ分享


嘿嘿 你不是终于花落jpm了…
过了n久 他们告诉我满了
然后让我申别的 我选了 quant…
正要准备tel int 有没有什么tips阿?

:-o quants…

black-scholes, stocastic calculation, probability theory, brownian motion and all greeks.

programing like C++ and Java



一般10周, 短一点的9周, 长点的12周…

你的签证一般是12月到期吧… INTERNSHIP都是暑假的… 所以是可以待在英国的额…

不过大多数公司的INTERNSHIP都只招倒数第二年的学生, 不过也有例外的…



mm 你住的离伦敦远吗 我在曼城 考虑申请伦敦的工作 但是担心人家一看你住的离伦敦远 就没兴趣了