






好像记得有超速 可是没有被抓住 但是貌似被照相 没收到过任何文件 这个。。有事么?



我看了下个官方的文件,是说,这个吊销如果是半年的话。半年后就 spent,但是如果为了这个吊销法庭罚了你点钱,那就是5年后才spent.

For example: If you were convicted for speeding and received a 12 month driving
disqualification and a fine - although the driving disqualification would be considered spent at
the end of the 12 month period, the fine would not be spent for 5 years. You should therefore
wait 5 years before you make an application for citizenship.

虽然是for citizenship

不过FINE 要交, 为什么呢? 这影响到你以后各种保险的索赔.
代表了你的品行. 如果你当初没交这个FINE, 到时候保险公司会把陈年老帐拿出来说事的.

去年就发生过,都上报纸.一个女的要索赔房子的保险, 但保险公司就以她人品有问题,为理由拒绝赔偿.
原因她有个100多镑的FINE没给. 她自己都忘记了, 在上保险的时候也没和保险公司DECLARE.




今天看了 半天的 关于永久法律。 哪位高人 解释一下 下面是 什么意思 ? ( 关于 欧盟人权法 )

6。European Convention on Human Rights
6.1 as this statement of changes in the Immigration Rules is subject to a negative resolution procedure and does not amend primary legislation, no statements is required.

我本人理解, 这个法律 不会 影响 欧盟 10年 人权法。。

请高人 解释一下。。

这个人权法是否会影响UKBA的new rule我不大清楚,但是现在新规定已经明确必须要等到记录清除才能申请PR。


Requirements for indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence in the United Kingdom

276B. The requirements to be met by an applicant for indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence in the United Kingdom are that:

(i) (a) he has had at least 10 years continuous lawful residence in the United Kingdom; or

(b) he has had at least 14 years continuous residence in the United Kingdom, excluding any period spent in the United Kingdom following service of notice of liability to removal or notice of a decision to remove by way of directions under paragraphs 8 to 10A, or 12 to 14, of Schedule 2 to the Immigration Act 1971 or section 10 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Act, or of a notice of intention to deport him from the United Kingdom; and

(ii) having regard to the public interest there are no reasons why it would be undesirable for him to be given indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence, taking into account his:

(a) age; and

(b) strength of connections in the United Kingdom; and

(c) personal history, including character, conduct, associations and employment record; and

(d) domestic circumstances; and

(e) previous criminal record and the nature of any offence of which the person has been convicted; and

(f) compassionate circumstances; and

(g) any representations received on the person’s behalf; and

(iii) the applicant has sufficient knowledge of the English language and sufficient knowledge about life in the United Kingdom, unless he is under the age of 18 or aged 65 or over at the time he makes his application.

Indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence in the United Kingdom
276C. Indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence in the United Kingdom may be granted provided that the Secretary of State is satisfied that each of the requirements of paragraph 276B is met.

Refusal of indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence in the United Kingdom

276D. Indefinite leave to remain on the ground of long residence in the United Kingdom is to be refused if the Secretary of State is not satisfied that each of the requirements of paragraph 276B is met.

这一部分是新rule的修改部分,可以看出新条例已经把“ the applicant does not have one or more unspent convictions within the meaning of the rehabilitation of offenders act 1974”单独列出为一部分强调重要性了,旧条文虽然也会考虑previous criminal record,但只不过是taking into account,现在这已经被更严格的新条文所取代。

  1. in paragraph 276B(ii), delete “(e) previous criminal record and the nature of any offence of which the person has been convicted; and”.

  2. after the renumbered paragraph 276B(ii)(f) insert:
    “; and
    (iii) the applicant does not have one or more unspent convictions within the meaning of the rehabilitation of offenders act 1974.”.



