

我错了. 除英国以外的欧洲国家家属是同行免签证的. 英国的不行, 因为签证上不会有 “family member of EEA national” 这行字.


还有哪儿国家最好办呢,我想去 荷兰,西班牙,意大利




回复 mingchen0214
真让我羡慕,我来了快10年,就去过迪拜(转机) ;(

yes, in theory, it should be free and you donot need to apply for it in advance, if you travel with your partner (husband). but some custom officer might not know this rule and might stop you. so it is safer to appy for a visa before you go. visa should be free, but you need to provide marriage certificate, your partner’s passport, and prove you will go to Europe together.

Same to Irish visa (for southern ireland), I just applied for Irish visa and received it last week, which is free as my husband is British and we will travel together.


这也很正常吧, 感觉LZ是小时候随父母拿的永居,自己没有经历申请又没常出英国很有可能不知到吧?

我跟楼主一样,10年永居了才去了一次巴黎, 那时还是跟学校的呢。 只要还是中国籍去欧洲都要签证的, 我今天才刚刚批下来去瑞士的。 :cn13:

请问一下那个marriage certificate如果是中国的,需要什么公正手续啊?我只有中国的结婚证和翻译件,没有政府的认证,所以只能花钱去签证了{:5_145:}


建议查看大使馆网页。一般来说,英国永居上面没有那个endoresment: family member of an EEA national,所以要签证。比如法国网站上说的
The foreign spouse of a EU national (except French national) may enter France without visa if they are holding:
a valid travel document;
a valid UK residence permit with the endorsement “family member of EEA national” (this endorsement is compulsory to be visa exempted) ;
and if they are joining or travelling with the EU national.

If you do not satisfy the above conditions, you will need to apply for a visa to travel to France (for instance if your residency is not explicit or if you are travelling to France for business).

Note that children and parents of EU Nationals still require visas to travel to France. It’s also the case for the spouses of British citizens as their residence permit does not bear the endorsment " family member of EEA national" as required by the art 10 of the European Council/Parliament Directive 2004/38 CE.

Be advised that if you are unable to provide the requested documents to obtain a visa as the spouse of an EU citizen, you will need to lodge an application for a short stay Schengen visa, i.e. pay the visa administrative fees and produce all requested supporting documents.


(我跟楼主一样,10年永居了才去了一次巴黎, 那时还是跟学校的呢。 只要还是中国籍去欧洲都要签证的, 我今天才刚刚批下来去瑞士的。 )

幸福 enjoy


我不知到瑞典跟瑞士是不是一样的, 不过我的经历告诉我是挺好签的。上星期三交的, 这周二就批了。 我的签证还在邮局所以不知到签证的期限多长。 你可以上申根签的网站下个清单上面有需要的全部材料,你只要照它准备就行。有些材料我没有, 比如3个月的bank statement, 我只有两个月的,而且两个地址都不一样,因为中间搬家。酒店证明都是我朋友名下的,还有我朋友的最后一个月的银行余额是负数。我们只是签了几分申明就搞定了。祝你好运。 :cn08:

你可以上申根签的网站下个清单上面有需要的全部材料,你只要照它准备就行。申请表,医疗保险和insurance policy + 3 个月bank statement。。。。。都要。


Sorry, I do not know. If your husband is British, why did you get married in China?