
[email protected] thx thx:cn08:

您好,我最近想办理我父母过来探亲,不太清楚都需要什么材料,麻烦您能给我传一份吗?我的邮箱是[email protected] 十分感谢!!!!

[email protected]

[email protected]


[email protected]

Many thanks!

Good one bookmark

楼主能给我发一份吗?[email protected]

mm太感谢了~ 你帖子里没有附件现在~ 麻烦请发我一份,好吗?邮箱 [email protected] 祝mm生活开心顺利哦 !

楼主能给我发一份吗 邮箱[email protected] 谢谢

麻烦楼主传我一份 先谢了 [email protected]

麻烦楼主发一份给我, 邮箱是 [email protected], 多谢多谢!

谢谢 mm能不能麻烦给我一份呢~~ 最近也要帮父母办签证 谢谢了~~~~~~~~~~ [email protected]

非常有用阿,请楼主发我一份,谢谢了!!![email protected]


请楼主发我一份,非常非常感谢!!![email protected]

非常有用阿,请楼主发我一份,谢谢了!!![email protected]

太感谢了楼主, 麻烦请发我一份,好吗?
邮箱 [email protected] 祝lz生活开心顺利哦 !

好心人Aspirin-ty您好!我下载你的模板,打开,一部是乱码,一部分是英文,我是工签永居,只要邀请父母来英国的邀请信和老板提供住宿的证明信,可以吗,我这辈子不会忘记你的,办永居中介赚了我很多钱,可以的话发到我邮箱, 不要下载那种,万分谢谢!

哪位好心人,帮我改改,内容通顺不,搞了一晚上,谢谢了。 Invitation letter
I am writing to confirm that HU MM, LU BB is my mother, father, and I would like to invite them to visit me in EDINBURGH from July 2012 until August 2012.

I confirm that I am fully funded by my parents and I receive £3000/ month. I have enclosed evidence original bank statements of this and wish to state that I will be supporting mother, father,during their stay in the UK

I confirm that HU MM .LU BB will be staying with me at my house in FALKIRK during their stay. I have enclosed evidence of my accommodation Evidence of accommodation and my address and my financial evidence

Should you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours faithfully

Sincerely yours,
