
There are lots of unpaid internships out of there, it is perfectly legal, you have to know the difference between a permanent job and an internship, minimum wages apply to a normal job.

随便google一下unpaid internships,发现这些东西:


你说的我都赞同,但是现在的局势就是这样的,曾经unpaid intern只能出现在charity里,因为他们本来就是需要volunteer的,但是现在很多commercial的企业都是在这样做,好点的还给allowance,cover travel and lunch,很多人需要work experience to start career,你现在已经工作了吗,还是还在读书呢?我有两个朋友,都是从unpaid intern做起的,现在都有很好的工作。

unpaid intership是违法的,而绝不是您说的“perfectly legal”,即使是现在这种低迷的市场里也绝不是合法的,我引用那篇guardian新闻已经充分说明了这一点,新闻的日期是今年5月

对,但是请问你有看到任何的公司被sue or prosecuted??? it is illegal on paper, but how about in reality?

请问您看我引用的guardian链接了吗?内容就是公司因为unpaid internship被告上employment tribunal并且败诉被判付给intern6周的工资。

the reality is still so many companies using unpaid interns, and people find good jobs at last by having work experience through unpaid interns, at least I know they are both facts, I know people who are doing unpaid interns, they are local English people, also I know people who found good jobs after unpaid internships, to be honest whatever newspapers writing about is not that important, I think the most important thing is the reality and how graduates find their first jobs, if unpaid internships can help that, why not? what is the harm? Would anyone mind if unpaid internships can increase their chance to land a job?

I suggested the website for internships to help people to get some experience, not to cause some arguments towards the employment legal system in this country!

我从来没有否定unpaid internship的存在,只是觉得您在81楼的发言可能会误导一些人

Ok, I see, thanks for pointing out, hope I dont mislead anyone here as it is not my intention at all


我也是一模一样的情况,不过我是学的interior design,设计方面的工作这个难找啊,工作网站一个不漏的天天投简历,一点用都没有现在已经心灰意冷,一个暑假下来一个都没有,面试了一家人家嫌我10月份master开学了就没有时间上班所以拒绝了,然后现在居然就只能找餐厅做服务员这种工作还要被人家嫌弃,因为over Q的问题,人家认为我干不了几天就会跑。太TMD的难了…