
今晚新闻看到格拉斯哥已经有人在Facebook and Tweeter上面组织暴乱了,不过还木有来得及行动,现在警方正在调查中,感觉周围人心惶惶得。:cn01:

楼上是想说 ‘开抢’吧 ?

曼城Miss Selfridges纵火者已被录像,链接 http://www.itv.com/granada/miss-selfridges-on-fire44970/



剛剛1分鐘前有目擊者寫給BBC的信,看來英國的種族問題這次一下子浮 了上來

2114: Joshua from Birmingham writes:

I live by the Mailbox in Birmingham city centre, which is surrounded by Police and locked down. A short while ago, I witnessed the Tesco by Five Ways roundabout getting robbed by three males wearing masks, making racist comments about the plight of Black people to justify their atrocious acts. We all got kicked out of Tesco and have no food or drinks for the evening. Hopefully things get better by tomorrow morning.


我在London North Finchley地区.北四区.街道上一个人都木有.连车都几乎没有.这里暂时还算安全,今天下午睡了个午觉,被来往不断的警笛声吵醒.明儿还要上班…555555555555,老板我要早关店!!!


Salford 的暴徒們成功的使開看守商鋪的警察…成功入室搶劫,將LIDL洗劫一空~`
根據目擊者所言, 搶劫的人員除了年輕屁孩之外還有不少家庭直接開車進去搶, 把後備箱塞滿之後離開!!!

太恐怖了…什麽世道啊!!! 搶完之後還要放火把店燒了!!

Tom Steedman describes to the BBC News Channel watching rioters target a Salford supermarket. He says they managed to drive away police who had been defending the store. “[The rioters] then proceeded to smash through all the shutters on the store, it’s been completely looted, and now they’ve set the store on fire.” Mr Steedman says he has seen a lot of people walking away with bags. “It’s not just youths, there was actually a family drove up in a car and filled up their boot with stuff from Lidl and drove off.”


其实 按照英国警察的办事效率 入室偷窃 东西丢了 99。9%都找不回来

这些日子被抢的 估计能找回来悬得很 能控制住 重新开业就不错了



Surrey 这里也算平静。。。但有可能这里的警察都已经在伦敦的边上呆着了。。。

刚才又出去了一趟,看到好多警车往st annes那边去,但市中心还没什么事,希望不要蔓延过来

诺丁汉实在太小了,昨天就把victoria center那边给抢了,实在想不出诺丁汉还有哪里值得抢。。。。

Brighton人民飘过 表示brighton很安全


lol, 据我所知leeds的人口可不少哦。应该可以排名全英国前5名(根据网上的资料是第三), 而且leeds的黑人阿×也是出了名的暴徒啊(伦敦地铁爆炸案)就有leeds的是同伙。 所以你说的leeds所谓的小地方是不是和中国的城市比较啊? 无知的小弟弟。
Largest Cities in the UK
This is a list of the largest cities in the United Kingdom. Note that the population statistic for London refers to Greater London which according to the “official definition” is not considered a city.
City Population
London 7.2 Million
Birmingham 992000
Leeds 720000
Glasgow 560000
Sheffield 512000
Bradford 467000
Edinburgh 450000
Liverpool 440000
Manchester 420000
Bristol 380000
Wakefield 316000
Cardiff 310000
Coventry 305000
Nottingham 285000
Leicester 280000
Sunderland 280000
Belfast 280000
Newcastle upon Tyne 259000
Brighton 248000
Hull 240000
Plymouth 240000
Stoke-on-Trent 239000
Wolverhampton 239000
Derby 230000
Swansea 225000
Southampton 220000
Salford 215000
Aberdeen 215000
Westminster 190000
Portsmouth 186000
York 182000
Peterborough 157000
Dundee 145000
Lancaster 135000
Oxford 135000
Newport 135000
Preston 130000
St Albans 130000
Norwich 125000
Chester 118000
Cambridge 115000
Salisbury 115000
Exeter 111000
Gloucester 110000
Lisburn 110000
Chichester 108000
Winchester 108000
Londonderry 105000
Carlisle 101000
Worcester 93000
Bath 90000
Durham 87000
Lincoln 86000
Hereford 55000
Armagh 55000
Inverness 51000
Stirling 45000
Canterbury 42500
Lichfield 30000
Newry 30000
Ripon 24500
Bangor 20000
Truro 19000
Ely 14000
Wells 10000
St Davids 2000
