刚得到个offer 请教大家想知道市场行情

感觉industry更注重工作经验吧。还不如先入行2年,再跳槽涨工资应该会比较顺吧。 没有工作经验是不是就找entry level的呢?

我觉得你如果急着工作,手头上也没有更好的OFFER,就可以去试试看阿。我觉得27K对于PHD来说是低了点,怎么也应该30K以上,不知道那个中介能不能再帮你多要点, 我老公那个时候找工作,他告诉中介他的期望值,结果中介还帮他多要了4000镑,不知道你能不能通过中介帮你问问,不过老实说,第一份工作也不用太挑剔薪水,好好做个一两年跳槽了会涨的很快,我家那个刚出来上班的时候才20K,他是Master,不是博士,5年里面跳槽2次,薪水涨了2倍多,每次跳槽都是一万多镑的涨。他后来去的那些公司并不在乎他以前的薪水, 主要是看面试的结果,所以我觉得你不用太纠结了,第一份工作还是注重实际能获得多少经验为将来铺路重要。




Why would you think that a PHD with no actual working experience (apart from various ‘projects’) deserve a £30k ish salary in the first place?? (apart from being in London where the relative cost of living is higher)

Also - base salary is only part of your reward ‘package’, yes, I agree that base is important (because that’s the benchmark for job hopping, applying for visa, mortgage etc etc), but having no actual working experience, is it right to condemn the basic salary? Of course, you have got every right to reject the job…

Good luck, maybe you’ve got to aim for higher grade jobs, but based on what I’ve seen, the market is full of keen talent, so thank your guardian angels for having an offer in this economic climate…

Apologies, my computer couldn’t type chinese hence the English here… Sorry!


PHD 不是又基本工资法律规定吗? 我记得是35K吧