刷墙贵死了, 顺便问下哪里找这种wallpaper

F&B 70块钱1一桶5L。。。

两个房间刷两天你太厉害了吧都赶上我decorator两人的速度了, 这还是所有prep work都做完以后的, 一个屋两人一天。算上prep work, 一个屋两人三天。他们的日薪是75一人, 白菜价。
我们自己照他们那样做的话, 一个屋两人一周估计差不多, 我们的日薪比他们高太多做得又慢。。。所以一般不考虑DIY, 最多去打扫一下。
材料, 光是lining paper, filler, primer, ceiling white paint就花了250 - trade price 然后再discount以后拿到。paint我希望能控制在1k以内吧。
我这几个月忙planning, design, project management, 采购, 面试选人都焦头烂额的了, 一天都没休息 根本没空DIY。




painting could be very expensive ,depends what kind of paint you use ,the normal painting is not that expensive at all ,they fuck you up

painting is an skilled , specially for the commercial property one ,nice plastering and painting show the value of the property

plastering first coat then second coat , waiting for the plaster to be dry , use p80 sand paper , ,paint clean water for the first coat ,paint the first coat paint ,use p120 sand paper sand again , fix the cracks and holes with filler ,then paint the second coat , put filler and sand again for doing the third coat,i do not know how those guys doing ? this is the way we doing the work

if you buy the top quality paint from Italy ,you need another level of the painter ,because you can not use the painting roll