


wikipedia 说他老婆 叫 郭歌

Personal life
Hunt’s wife, Lucia Guo (Chinese: Guō Gē 郭歌), comes from Xi’an in China.[210] Hunt first met Guo in 2008 when she was working at Warwick University recruiting Chinese students for the university.[210][211] Hunt is 11 years older than Guo.[15] They married in July 2009 and have a son and two daughters.[212][213]

Hunt’s brother Charlie runs a duvet and linens business.[214]

Hunt speaks Japanese, having studied the language for two years while working in Japan as an English language teacher in the 1990s.[215]

wikipedia 上关于HUNT 的词条就有提到啊。
Personal life
Hunt’s wife, Lucia Guo (Chinese: Guō Gē 郭歌), comes from Xi’an in China.[210] Hunt first met Guo in 2008 when she was working at Warwick University recruiting Chinese students for the university.[210][211] Hunt is 11 years older than Guo.[15] They married in July 2009 and have a son and two daughters.[212][213]

Hunt’s brother Charlie runs a duvet and linens business.[214]

Hunt speaks Japanese, having studied the language for two years while working in Japan as an English language teacher in the 1990s.[215]

社会主义长大的和一个反对社会主义怎么住在一起的,天天打架吗。Not just that he is truly capitalist nearly destriyed NHS ,As a Health Secretary。Also hates Russia。he voted for all those public cuts and Police cuts and also cut on benefits

Boris promissed to increase Police fir 20,000 more Policmen within 3 years

烤饼目前也不咋样啊感觉 烤饼的老工党派和布莱尔派内部厮杀也很激烈 尤其因为反犹这个事情 金毛上台后 感觉是金毛和自民党的对决


那都是10年前了 这帮人早忘记了

网上已经有人趴出来买他家hot courses 网站的是澳洲的IDP集团 此集团和国内的绿地有很深的联系 还有他家后来在南开普敦买的40m胖子的豪宅的注册公司是Ms Ge GUO 2017年还是用的中国国籍 关于Hunter祖上 据说是东印度公司的后裔 咱们不加评论 只是搬运一下知道的信息






别乱说了。什么解放军背景。 有解放军背景的Hunt敢和她结婚,敢来选PM?在英国政坛还要不要混了?来搅屎也得有点儿智商。

