PBS Dependant 申请 ILR(PR,永居) 新政解读

最新PBS Dependent申请ILR政策变化,如下是其他论坛总结的精华,我和UKBA网站新移民法核对过,且有原文出处。

1)2012年7月9号之前,你的配偶是granted leave to enter or remain as a PBS dependant before 9 July 2012, 如果你的配偶满足和你在英国连续生活2年,你的配偶就可以直接和你申请永居(填表格 SET(O))。
2)2012年7月9号之前,你的配偶是granted leave to enter or remain as a PBS dependant before 9 July 2012, 如果你的配偶不满足和你在英国连续生活2年,但是其可以在dependant 签证到期之前够连续生活2年(之间可以允许不全是dependant签证),之间你的配偶可以不需要更换签证,虽然主申请人已经获得了永居 (原文:The amended rules allow for a PBS dependant to qualify for leave to enter or remain and to complete the route to settlement, provided they remain the partner of the same person they entered this route as the partner of, without having to switch into the category of partner of a settled person provided the main PBS migrant gains settlement on this basis, or gains British citizenship following a grant of indefinite leave to remain as a PBS migrant.)。当你的配偶到了够2年的日子,你的配偶就可以直接申请永居(填表格 SET(O))。
3)2012年7月9号之前,你的配偶是granted leave to enter or remain as a PBS dependant before 9 July 2012, 如果你的配偶不满足和你在英国连续生活2年,在dependant 签证到期之前不够连续生活2年,这时候你可以在签证到期之前申请further leave to remain under paragraph 319C (b) (iii) (1), 可以给你3年的时间还是 PBS Dependant,而且可以续申请(如果你愿意的话),这期间,如果你的配偶满足和你不间断连续在英国生活2年(包括absence day),你的配偶就可以直接申请永居(填表格 SET(O))。在这期间,你的配偶可以有另一选择,不过傻子才会选择, 那就是 “switch”到spouse visa (表格 FLR(M)),spouse visa 比起上述比较麻烦----还需英语证明。
4) 2012年7月9号之后,你的配偶是granted leave to enter or remain as a PBS dependant after 9 July 2012, 如果你的配偶不满足和你在英国连续生活5年,在dependant 签证到期之前不够连续生活5年,这时候你的配偶可以在签证到期之前申请further leave to remain under paragraph 319C (b) (iii) (1), 可以给你3年的时间还是pbs dependant,而且可以续申请(如果你愿意的话),这期间,如果你的配偶满足和你在英国生活5年(必须是dependant,包括absence day),你的配偶就可以直接申请永居(填表格 SET(O))。同样存在选择 “switch”到spouse visa (表格 FLR(M))问题,一般人不会选择这个。
5)特别强调, 永居主申请人如果是 十年Long Residence(最后一个签证虽然是PBS),但是你的配偶PBS dependant partner will not be able to extend their leave or gain settlement as a PBS dependant and will be required to switch into the partner of a settled person category and apply for limited leave. 你的配偶必须转成spouse visa.



Rule 196D

Refer to 319E



Dependants of PBS (Tier 1 General, Tier 2) migrants
Spouse / Partner

  1. The dependant is subject to qualifying residential period to be eligible for settlement. For the duration of qualifying residential period and associated conditions that may apply, see Note below.

  2. If the dependant has completed the relevant qualifying residential period at a time that the principal migrant applies for settlement and meets the other requirements then the dependant may be included in the principal migrant’s settlement application.

  3. If the dependant has not completed the qualified qualifying residential period at the time that the principal PBS migrant applies for settlement, then:
    a) If the PBS dependant’s current leave will expire after he/she has completed the qualifying period and the dependant meets the other requirements for settlement then the dependant may apply for settlement directly (319E).
    b) If the PBS dependant’s current leave will expire before he/she completes the qualifying period then the dependant can apply , before his/her current leave expires, to extend his/her PBS dependant leave until such time that he/she becomes eligible for settlement (319C and 319D). Though switching to FLR(M) leave remains an option but extending PBS dependant leave is simpler (e.g. - only maintenance funds to be shown, no English language requirement).
    c) Doctor / dentist dependant with employment restriction - For PBS dependant who is a doctor / dentist but does not satisfy 319D(b)(iii) should consider switching to FLR(M) at the earliest opportunity to become free from the employment restriction, instead of continuing on PBS dependant leave.

Entry clearance application as PBS dependant submitted before 09-Jul-12: The PBS dependant will always be subject to rules in place before 09-Jul-12. The PBS dependant must have lived with the principal PBS migrant in the UK for at least 2 years in a marital relationship, civil partnership or in relationship akin to marriage or civil partnership (319E(d)(i)). This “2 year” period need not be as a “dependant” and need to be “continuous”. *** Probably unchanged? *** These requirements and conditions apply both when extending leave as PBS dependant (319E(d)(i)) or if switching to FLR(M) leave (287(a)(i)(d) or 287(a)(i)(e)) any time during the 2 years period to become eligible for settlement.
Entry clearance application as PBS dependant submitted on/after 09-Jul-12: The PBS dependant will be subject to the new rules introduced on 09-Jul-12. The PBS dependant will be eligible for settlement only after completing 5 year probationary period as a dependant of the principal migrant (319E(d)(ii) or E-ILRP.1.3.). This “5 year” period need not be “continuous”.




PS 总之条例是条例,我为什么说一搏呢?因为CASE WORKER都TM的是SB,6镑多一小时根本不给按条理来,不按套路出牌,我所知道的不下10例了,有的被要求补充收入证明也就是那18600的证明,然后给的是两年的SPOUSE,反正你不能一正常人来衡量CASE WORKER,也许他们的教育也就是在GCSE水平或者更低


出处上个月就已经贴出来了,在某个帖子里面,我看不到了{:5_129:} ,

总之大家心里明白怎么回事,如果去面签,直接打印给SB们讲讲,case worker SB 居多。后面的manager可能还懂些。总之,拿上所有的材料,据理力争吧,只有你有证据,才能据理力争。


内部指引里面关于PBS的主申请人通过10年拿永居的情况,已经写的很明白,dependent必须先转spouse,然后根据最早申请到dependent的时间确定是要按transitional还是按新的路线来申请永居。见11页3.4 http://ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/documents/policyandlaw/IDIs/idischapter8/001transitional/trans-guide.pdf?view=Binary

虽然这个和Immigration Rules的字面意思稍有出入,但是这个是签证官断案的具体办事指引。当然,这个指引不是法律,谁真的想要试试,也可以,最多再走司法途径继续上诉。当然,考虑经济因素,还是按指引来最省事。




5)特别强调, 永居主申请人如果是 十年Long Residence(最后一个签证虽然是PBS),但是你的配偶PBS dependant partner will not be able to extend their leave or gain settlement as a PBS dependant and will be required to switch into the partner of a settled person category and apply for limited leave. 你的配偶必须转成spouse visa.

那转了spouse后可以直接申请PR吗?还是必须等5年呢? 前提是12年前就是主申请人的PBS DEPENDANT



我当时是T4学生签,他拿的是T4 PBS学生签的dependant
12年11月我PSW到期后换T2 general,他也随同换成了T2G的dependant





呼~~等两个月看看情况,然后问下律师 =.=


我老公是03年9月来的英国,今年8月就可以申请10年永居。他的Tier 2是09年1月开始的,后来一年以后转为Tier 1 General,到今年12月份也可以申请5年永居了。我从12年5月开始成为我老公的T1G dependent并一起居住在英国,目前签证到14年9月。

  1. 如果我老公按照5年工作签在今年12月申请面签永居,我是不是不用换spouse visa,直接等到14年5月满2年就可以直接申请永居?
  2. 如果我老公按照10年永居在今年8月申请,等他的PR下来以后我是不是需要先转spouse?这样还是等到14年5月申请永居吗?



