
House prices fall three months in a row for the first time since the credit crisis: Warnings of a ‘slowdown’ as average property now costs £208,700
House prices endured their most sustained fall since the financial crisis began
Nationwide warned of a ‘slowdown’ in the market as property values dipped
Values slid by 0.2 per cent in May, 0.4 per cent in April and 0.3 per cent in March

By James Salmon Business Correspondent For The Daily Mail
House prices have endured their most sustained fall since the financial crisis began, according to Britain’s biggest building society.

Nationwide yesterday warned of a ‘slowdown’ in the market as it revealed that property values have dipped for three months in a row – the first time this has happened since 2009.

It said values slid by 0.2 per cent in May, following a 0.4 per cent decrease in April and 0.3 per cent in March.

However, average house prices are still above their rate at this time last year – by just over £4,000.

The UK average was £208,711 last month, marking a 2.1 per cent increase from £204,368 in May last year. This is the slowest pace in almost four years and will be a shock to many homeowners accustomed to seeing the value of their property soar each year.

Nationwide predicted that house prices will grow just 2 per cent this year.

The building society’s closely watched house price index is the latest in a string of reports that show the property market is beginning to struggle.
But it has still confounded gloomy predictions from Remain campaigners – led by former chancellor George Osborne – that it would collapse after the referendum.

In a thinly veiled swipe at Mr Osborne, Nationwide said although house prices slowed after the vote last June, this was a ‘continuation of a trend’ driven by the 3 per cent stamp duty surcharge on second homes and buy-to-let properties he had introduced in April.

This has caused a large slide in prices in some parts of the country, including expensive homes in wealthy areas of London.

Robert Gardner, Nationwide’s chief economist, said: ‘It is still early days, but this provides further evidence that the housing market is losing momentum. Moreover, this may be indicative of a wider slowdown in the household sector.’

Describing an ‘unusually uncertain’ outlook for the economy, he said house prices will slow in the months ahead along with the wider economy as ‘rising inflation increases the squeeze on household budgets’.

Some experts yesterday said the slowdown will be welcomed by first-time buyers who have struggled to get on the housing ladder as prices have surged.

Industry figures published last week showed first-time buyers are outnumbering home movers for the first time in more than 20 years.

Richard Sexton, director at property surveyors e.surv, said: ‘A decrease in house prices will be welcomed by many looking to take their first step on to the property ladder.

‘First-time buyers are the lifeblood of the property market, and their presence allows others to move up the ladder and keep the whole market moving.’

House prices fell again in May, Nationwide says


UK house prices fall for third month in a row for first time since financial crisis











成龙大哥,你觉得像cantonese restaurant之类的commercial property 会怎么样, 生意现在没有2008年以前多,退欧会不会又有大的影响呢?顾客都是西人,在business district, 很多office

quote 错了, 不好意思



英国的房价不会降的,唯一能降的只有加速度。如果看到市场上大片房子reduce在卖,这样的房子都或多或少存在特殊的不理想的情况的。之前也分析过,除了房子自身的问题外还不要忽略了中介定价偏高这个事实。reduce一方面是对定价偏高的一种修正,另一方面是可以吸引更多的人来关注从而榨取购房者内心捡便宜的心理。总之我总结了一下,一个良好的市场是不会有大量reduce房子出现,而且final offer这种只给一次出价机会的买卖方式也预示着现在这个房市走向的不确定性。换言之,至少伦敦及周边地区的房市现在呈现不稳定状态,可以预见的将来几年内,英国房价只会原地踏步,对钢需的同学没有任何影响,对投资二套房的同学来说,估计会持币观望的同时,继续走的漫漫看房路,这才是现在应该做的。楼上说的对,攒首付的时候到了。没有比现在更适合的时机了。



