2018大伦敦地区私立和公立中学混合排行榜(按照GCSE和A Level 成绩A*比例排)


School Type Gender % A* % A*-A
1 St Paul’s Girls’ School private Girls 92.6% 99.2%
2 North London Collegiate School private Girls 87.3% 97.2%
3 Westminster School private Boys 85.2% 97.1%
4 Henrietta Barnett School state Girls 82.3% 95.2%
5 St Paul’s School (estimate) private Boys 81.0% 97.0%
6 Godolphin & Latymer School (estimate) private Girls 81.0% 96.4%
7 King’s College Wimbledon private Boys 80.6% 95.9%
8 Tiffin Girls state Girls 79.4% 94.1%
9 City of London School for Girls private Girls 79.0% 95.0%
10 Habs Girls private Girls 78.0% 94.0%
11 Queen Elizabeth School, Barnet state Boys 76.5% 91.7%
12 Lady Eleanor Holles private Girls 76.0% 92.3%
13 JAGS private Girls 75.0% 92.0%
14 Hampton School private Boys 74.0% 93.0%
15 Notting Hill & Ealing High private Girls 74.0% 92.0%
16 Highgate private Co-ed 73.7% 92.2%
17 Putney High School private Girls 73.1% 92.1%
18 Alleyn’s Dulwich private Co-ed 73.0% 92.0%
19 Haberdasher Aske’s School for Boys private Boys 72.0% 93.4%
20 St Olave’s Grammar School, Bromley state Boys 71.4% 86.7%
21 South Hampstead High School private Girls 71.0% 89.0%
22 Wimbledon High private Girls 70.9% 92.1%
23 Latymer Upper private Co-ed 70.0% 90.0%
24 City of London private Boys 67.9% 90.5%
25 UCS, Hampstead private Boys 66.1% 87.5%
26 Wilson’s Grammar School, Sutton state Boys 65.5% 85.5%
27 Bancroft’s private Co-ed 64.2% 84.9%
28 Francis Holland SW1 private Girls 63.0% 83.0%
29 Nonsuch High School, Sutton state Girls 61.7% 82.5%
30 St Michael’s Grammar state Girls 60.7% 82.0%
31 Sutton Grammar School state Boys 60.3% 80.5%
32 Channing School private Girls 59.9% 84.3%
33 Latymer School, Edmonton state co-ed 59.1% 83.3%
34 Kingston Grammar School private Co-ed 58.0% 85.0%
35 Trinity School, Croydon private Boys 58.0% 88.0%
36 Eltham College, Bromley private Co-ed 57.5% 84.2%
37 Tiffin School state Boys 57.3% 80.0%
38 Dulwich College private Boys 57.0% 84.0%
39 Ibstock Place private Co-ed 56.0% 83.0%
40 St Helen’s private Girls 54.8% 78.8%
41 Queen’s Gate private Girls 54.3% 80.5%
42 Forest School private Co-ed 54.1% 76.8%
43 Surbiton High School private Girls 50.5% 77.6%
44 Croydon High School GDST private Girls 50.0%
45 Whitgift School, Croydon private Boys 49.0% 74.3%
46 Northwood College GDST private Girls 47.7% 70.8%
47 Wallington High School for Girls state Girls 47.0% 72.0%
48 Bromley High School GDST private Girls 44.0%
49 Francis Holland NW1 private Girls 43.3% 72.0%
50 St Augustine’s Priory, Ealing private Co-ed 42.2% 65.8%
51 Queen’s College private Girls 41.8% 70.4%
52 St James Girls’ School private Girls 41.3% 63.0%
53 St Benedict’s School, Ealing private Co-ed 40.4% 66.0%
54 Lady Margaret School state Girls 39.8% 58.2%
55 Wetherby Senior School private Boys 38.8% 67.8%
56 Wallington County Grammar School state Boys 38.6% 63.2%
57 Emanuel School private Co-ed 38.0% 63.6%
58 Colfe’s School private Co-ed 37.8% 60.8%
59 Blackheath High School GDST private Girls 37.0%
60 Northbridge House School private Co-ed 34.0%
61 Sutton High School private Girls 33.5% 55.3%
62 Mill Hill School private Co-ed 32.4% 56.8%
63 Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School state Co-ed 28.7% 55.4%
64 Greycoat Hospital state Girls 28.4% 49.3%
65 The London Oratory School, Fulham state Boys 28.2% 47.8%
66 Camden School for Girls state Girls 28.1% 49.2%
67 Graveney state Co-ed 27.9% 48.2%
68 Bexley Grammar School state Co-ed 27.4% 51.0%
69 Alexandra Park School, Haringey state Co-ed 26.3% 43.8%
70 St Marylebone state Girls 26.0% 45.0%

2018大伦敦地区私立和公立中学混合排行榜(按照A Level 成绩A*比例排)

Rank School Type Gender A* A*-A A*-B
1 St Paul’s Girls’ School private Girls 59.8% 89.9% 98.8%
2 King’s College London Maths School state Co-ed 57.5% 88.0% 96.5%
3 Westminster School private Co-ed 57.5% 88.1% 95.3%
4 St Paul’s School private Boys >47%
5 City of London School for Girls private Girls 47.0% 98.0%
6 Queen Elizabeth School, Barnet state Boys 45.2% 96.7%
7 NLCS private Girls 44.0% 85.0% 93.5%
8 King’s College Wimbledon private Co-ed 42.0% 94.0%
9 Haberdasher Aske’s School for Boys private Boys 42.0% 95.8%
10 Highgate private Co-ed 39.1% 75.8% 89.8%
11 Wilson’s Grammar School, Sutton state Boys 38.0% 96.8%
12 JAGS private Girls 38.0% 76.0% 90.6%
13 Alleyn’s private Co-ed 36.0% 74.0% 91.0%
14 Bancroft’s private Co-ed 36.0% 91.0%
15 Henrietta Barnett School state Girls 34.0% 73.0% 92.0%
16 Tiffin Girls state Girls 33.6% 91.9%
17 Latymer Upper private Co-ed 33.3% 67.0%
18 Lady Eleanor Holles private Girls 33.0% 75.0% 95.0%
19 Godolphin & Latymer School private Girls 32.0% 72.0%
20 City of London private Boys 31.4% 68.0% 85.6%
21 UCS, Hampstead private Co-ed 30.8% 88.6%
22 Hampton School private Boys 30.0% 95.0%
23 Habs Girls private Girls 30.0% 70.0% 94.0%
24 Kingston Grammar School private Co-Ed 29.0% 67.0%
25 Wimbledon High private Girls 27.0% 70.0% 93.0%
26 Dulwich College private Boys 27.0% 88.0%
27 Trinity School, Croydon private Boys 26.0% 64.0% 90.0%
28 Latymer School, Edmonton state Co-ed 25.0% 63.0% 88.0%
29 Tiffin School state Boys 24.8% 85.5%
30 Putney High School private Girls 24.0% 67.0% 93.0%
31 Notting Hill & Ealing High private girls 24.0% 93.0%
32 Francis Holland NW1 private Girls 22.5% 54.9% 75.7%
33 St James Girls’ School private Co-ed 22.6% 52.0% 81.0%
34 Bexley Grammar School state Co-ed 20.5% 73.8%
35 Camden School for Girls state Co-ed 20.2% 78.1%
36 St Michael’s Grammar state girls 19.4% 89.8%
37 South Hampstead High School private Girls 19.3% 67.0% 87.7%
38 Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School state Boys 19.1% 79.0%
39 Wallington High School for Girls state Girls 18.9% 77.6%
40 Nonsuch High School, Sutton state Girls 18.6% 80.0%
41 Channing School private Girls 62.6% 86.7%
42 Surbiton High School private Girls 17.8% 50.0% 86.0%
43 Whitgift School, Croydon private Boys 84.0%
44 St Helen’s private Girls 19.0% 80.0%
45 London Academy of Excellence state Co-ed 18.5% 90.1%
46 Queen’s Gate private Girls 16.7% 54.0% 78.9%
47 Harrodian School private Co-ed 49.0% 80.0%
48 Lady Margaret School state Girls 16.0% 43.0% 69.0%
49 Wallington Country Grammar School state Co-ed 16.0% 78.7%
50 Greycoat Hospital state Co-ed 15.2% 37.4% 67.5%
51 Holland Park School state Co-ed 15.0% 50.0%
52 St Marylebone state Girls 15.0% 37.0% 71.0%
53 Queen’s College private Girls 14.5% 57.3% 89.1%
54 Oratory School state Co-ed 14.1% 78.0%
55 Mossbourne Academy state Co-ed 13.0% 40.0%
56 Waldegrave School state Girls 12.7% 43.0% 78.0%
57 Graveney state Co-ed 10.5% 32.0% 61.9%
58 Colfe’s School private Co-ed 9.0% 44.8% 77.4%
59 Fortismere School state Co-ed 42.0% 75.0%
60 Mill Hill School private Co-ed 7.9% 39.0% 72.0%

按照 IB Diploma成绩排名榜

1 North London Collegiate School , Edgware, Middlesex 42.4 (2017 score)
2 King’s College Wimbledon 40.9
3 Godolphin & Latymer School, Hammersmith 39.7
4 Southbank International School, Westminster 37.7
5 Tonbridge Grammar School, Kent (state school) 36.7
6 Ashcroft Technology Academy, Putney 36.0 (2017 score)
7 Marymount International School, Surrey 36.0
8 Dwight School North London 35.7 (2017 score)
9 ACS Egham, co-educational IB school 35.1
10 Halcyon International School, Marble Arch 35.0
11 Deutsche Schule London, Richmond 34.0 (dual qualification IB and Abitur)
12 ACS Hillingdon 33.1
13 TASIS Surrey 33.0
14 ICS London, Paddington 33.0
15 International School London, Gunnersbury 33.0
16 Bexley Grammar School, Bexley (state school) 33.0
17 Westminster Academy, London (state school) 33.0 in 2017
18 ACS Cobham, Surrey 32.0
19 George Green’s School, London (state school) 31.0 (2017 score)



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这个是中学的,高中的排行榜能否请成龙大哥再给上一下。 {:5_137:}

A Level混合排名还没有找到。

私校单独A Level排名在12楼

儿子学校的成绩今年不如去年好,只有一个去剑桥的。 {:5_134:}


成龙大哥,GCSE 公私混合大伦敦有没有70名之后的排名呢?



