
我在一家网店买玉露茶。买过好几次了,基本上是固定每两、三个星期在那里买两包玉露。 老板人很好,发货快,回复快而且详细。有一次我只是问他一个简单的问题”新茶和旧茶味道有什么不一样。“他没有直接回答,只是说”我这次给你寄的茶叶里面多放了一包旧茶,你可以对比一下。“ 他没有说要收我的钱,我也觉得只是多给一包旧茶叶,也没有主动去付钱。总之,老板人很好。后来,他给我介绍说”我有另外一种玉露,大包装的,虽然比你买的那种低等一点,可是味道也不错。你可以考虑考虑。“我不喜欢那一种大包装的就没有买。前几天我发现他卖给我的其中一包茶叶味道不对,他很想知道为什么,我就说给他寄回去。他就说“If you can send me the one you don’t like, that would be great. I will send you one same batch and new batch next week. I can’t remember if you tried normal Gyokuro 125g(他之前给我推荐,我不想买的那种)? One class lower, but nice and typical Gyokuro flaour. 我还是不想买,所以我只是回答说我没有试过。他就说“I will send you the new batch of Hon Gyokuro(我一直买的那种) and Gyokuro 125g (£25), this is like 2nd pour of Hon Gyokuro. so simply boil the kettle, wait for 5 min, pour into a tea cup, then pour into a tea pot, after one and a half minutes, you can drink.

As you have mentioned it, even normal tea is slightly different for 1st, 2nd and 3rd pour. Normally the 1st one is working as opening the tea leaves, this 1st one can give slightly muddy texture, which is brilliant, then 2nd pour can make brilliant green tea and clean taste. 3rd one is getting normal, eventually it produce earthy texture, then it is off.

For Gyokuro, people in Japan mix with soy sauce, tea leaves, and toasted sesami seeds, and eat with rice. Sometimes, you eat with Mayonaiese.

This could be called Gyokuro geek!! If you entertain Japanese people with Gyokuro tea, they will repect you. Not many people know about Hon Gyokuro.

I will send it tomorrow.

Have a nice evening.





他昨天收到,今天就给我发邮件说 Thank you very much for sending me back the tea, I have received it the other day. I didn’t have a chance to taste it till yesterday afternoon.

Compare it to the other experience of quality inferior, the colour, smell and flavour was ok, I thought. However, taste was weaker than the old version of tea, it hasn’t got punchy strength.

Frankly speaking, I am not Gyokuro expert, so I can’t tell what is true Gyokuro taste, I need to go to Japan, and learn it for a while. Tea master at the tea firm check the tea leaves quality, flaour etc, and decide the quality each harvest. Tea character would be slightly different each year, because of climate etc, just like wine making. When they pick at first time as a new tea, it is much fresher taste, you might say weaker taste!! The tea leaves slowly mature the flavour days goes, and gives much stronger taste in depth,this is a good tea. Some tea goes down, then become yellow, and grassy and dusty taste, not smooth texture, leave slight sandy feeling on your tongne, it is so called cheap taste to me. I have found that some tea quality goes down, it become as this description. Hon Gyokuro is different tea to normal tea, I don’t know exactly how they examine it, the temperature must be quite different, I will ask the firm later.

对哦。那个店的网址是 https://www.ocha-tea.co.uk/greentea.asp


销售的技巧之一就是给你好处然后你会觉得亏欠而买或者多买。在超市的free sample也是一样的,其实并不是让你去尝味道,而是根据心理学我们得到东西就会想要回报,这时候就会去买了。他做生意你不用太在乎想太多,根据自己的想法,喜欢就买,把人的因素排除