英国居民寿命最长的10个地区9个在伦敦周边,Kingston Upon Thames第一

最新发布的人口普查资历:英国居民寿命最长的10个地区9个在伦敦周边,Kingston Upon Thames第一

People living in the suburbs of London have the best life expectancy in the whole of the UK.

London’s ‘longevity ring’: How nine of the best 10 areas for life expectancy in Britain are all suburbs of the capital

Nine out of the top 10 areas for the highest life expectancy after retirement in Britain are in the commuter belt outside London, resulting in a “longevity ring” around the capital.
Kingston upon Thames tops the list, followed by Hemel Hempstead, Guildford, Slough, St Albans, Redhill, Bromley, Harrow and Watford.

The average life expectancy for pensioners in these London suburbs is over 89 years. Highest-ever: Life expectancy for pensioners after retirement is highest in the London suburbs. ¶

Meanwhile the ten postal areas of the country with the lowest life expectancy in retirement are all found in the north of England and Scotland, the research by financial advisors Willis Towers Watson found.

Top 10 postal areas for life expectancy after retirement

  • Kingston Upon Thames 89.74
  • Hemel Hempstead 89.71
  • Guildford 89.71
  • Slough 89.7
  • St Albans 89.49
  • Harrogate 89.47
  • Redhill 89.43
  • Bromley 89.31
  • Harrow 89.31
  • Watford 89.28

Experts suggest the high life expectancy around London is not because of geography but economic and lifestyle factors, with commuters enjoying the higher wages of London plus a “comfortable and healthy working life”. The only postcode area in the top 10 which is not in the south east of England is Harrogate in North Yorkshire, which ranks sixth.

Where do London’s geniuses live?

Stephen Caine, senior mortality consultant at Willis Towers Watson said: “There are distinct differences in life expectancy in different areas of the country but in reality it is not the geography itself that is important, it’s the economic and lifestyle factors that are indicative of residents in different areas of the country.

“What this research highlights is that pensioners living in the outer ring surrounding London are the most likely to have had well-paid jobs and to have enjoyed a relatively comfortable and healthy working life which, alongside other factors, are strongly linked to longer lifespans.”

Pensioners in Sunderland are likely to die at a younger average age than anywhere else in the country, while Liverpool, Hull, Motherwell and Wigan are also in the bottom five.


这个数据是退休以后的人的寿命数据,也有可能金斯顿等伦敦周边地区工作生活压力太大很多人没有到退休就挂掉了,所以第一个目标是活到退休。 {:5_142:}


哎 。。。



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对呀他们买卖苹果股票关我开心P事 {:5_137:}


daily mail那个link有bottom 10




From birth的话ons的数据是男性East Dorset最高82.9,女性Purbeck最高86.6
最低的都是Glasgow City,男女分别是72.6和78.5


