10年永居有两个driving offence咋整?

现在正申请10年永居,有俩driving offences:

  • Speeding(Jul 2018过期)
  • Failing to comply with double white lines (Jan-2018过期,Jan-2019消掉)

这些都要写在“E3.Have you received any other penalty in relation to a criminal offence; for example a caution, reprimand, warning, or similar penalties in the UK or any other country?”里面吗?需要提供什么证明吗?

谢谢大家啦~希望大家都能顺利的申请到想要的签证 {:5_137:}

Driving offence is not a criminal offence.


我也有一个driving office,当时交了钱,扣了三分,申请永居时还没有过3年。面签的时候很诚实地说了,也写了一个说明,没问题,过了。
