有人知道10月份UKBA出的关于reserach student签到的政策不?

今年暑假回去的时候,突然收到一个学校的邮件,大致说是reserach student在暑假必需每周和导师一次meeting,然后如果回国了,就要请20天的假期,然后每周和导师通一封邮件。。再然后说是10月份以后会出一个新的政策,类似于一个每天签到的政策。。。以前都是想回国就回国了,现在这政策提了下,但也没有出具体的实施细则。。今天看到便宜的机票也不敢订。。有人了解这个新政不?:dizzy:





你只要让学校知道你的行踪就可以了 UKBA确实加强了对于海外的research students的管理 但是好像学校没有那么严格的执行




Please do not respond to this email address

Dear student,

Tier 4 Postgraduate Research (PGR) Students – Summer Attendance Monitoring

This letter is for Tier 4 PGR Students who will be undertaking a Research dissertation/project between June and September 2012.

You are required to engage in a weekly supervision session (via email contact) with your Director of Studies over the summer months in order to comply with your obligations in relation to your Tier 4 Student Visa.

Failure to follow this guidance will result in the University reporting you as withdrawn to the UKBA.

Details of the policy are available on the Student Portal, Registry page:

See section “Tier 4 Students and UK Border Agency”.

What this will mean for you:

· You must contact your Director of Studies immediately in order that they can support you in meeting the requirements of your Tier 4 Sponsorship.

· You will be undertaking a Research Dissertation/Project between 18th June and 28th September, you will be required to engage in a weekly supervision sessions (via email) with your Director of Studies each and every week.

· If you need to return to your home country or visit another country in order to conduct your research for the whole duration of the study period (June-Sept) you must seek authorisation before you leave the UK. You will still be required to engage in a weekly supervision sessions (via email) with your Director of Studies each and every week.

· If you wish to take your 20-day annual holiday allocation during this period (wholly or in part) you must seek authorisation in advance.

· If you need to be absent from weekly supervision sessions for a short period (due to extenuating circumstances), you must seek authorisation in advance.

From October 2012 there will be a new procedure which you must follow. This will involve attending an approved checkpoint/reception desk every day (Monday-Friday). The details will be made available in October.
