The wear and tear allowance is calculated by taking 10% of the net rent received for the furnished residential accommodation. To find the ‘net rent’ you deduct charges and services that would normally be borne by a tenant but are, in fact, borne by the taxpayer (for example, council tax, water and sewerage rates etc).
假设出租funished flat 一年房租10.000,
房东付utility bill 1000,
房东付 building service/management charge 1000,
morgage interest 3000,
rent income tax 20%
那么wear and tear allowance应该是多少呢?
是(房租-bill)*10% 即(10,000-1000)*10%=900
还是 (房租-所有花费)*10%, 即(10,000-1000-1000-1000-3000)*10%=400呢?
还有这个10% wear and tear allowance 是免税呢,还是直接从tax中扣除?
已知net income 是4000,
tax=(4000-allowance)20% 还是 400020%-allowance?