快讯; £100 "reconsideration fees" for naturalisation and citizenship ap

9月1日起,naturalisation 和 British citizenship 凡是被拒的申请,当重新提交申请的同时,必须缴纳£100 作为“重新审核”的费用。最后结果如果维持拒签的,100镑将无法退回,结果如果是通过的话,将退回20镑, 以兹鼓励(这句是我加的)。


New fee for the reconsideration of naturalisation and citizenship applications

16 July 2010

From 1 September 2010, we will introduce a fee of £100 to reconsider applications for naturalisation and British citizenship that have been refused.

Regulation 33 of the Immigration and Nationality (Cost Recovery Fees) Regulations 2010, which came into force on 6 April 2010, gave the Secretary of State the power to charge £100 for the reconsideration of an application for naturalisation or registration as a British citizen that had previously been refused.

From 1 September 2010, all requests for the reconsideration of these applications must be accompanied by a fee of £100. Applications that are not accompanied by the appropriate fee will be deemed invalid and will be returned.

If the original decision taken on your application is upheld, the £100 fee will be retained to cover administrative costs. However, if the original decision made on your application is considered incorrect and your application is then approved, £80 will be retained to cover the cost of the citizenship ceremony (if applicable) and £20 will be refunded to you.

poor UK…



