十年- 1998 human rights act

一大早上就看到这新闻 Tories ‘to curb human rights cases’ 记得前几天大卫就说过如果他们明年赢了就会取消 10年貌似就是这里出来的吧?
请教一下对10年有影响吗? 没有吗?

That means no votes for prisoners.

That means that brutal murderers will still be sent to jail for the whole of their lives without the prospect of release.

It means that those who threaten our country’s safety will no longer be able to use human rights laws to stop us from sending them home.

It means that people won’t be able to use human rights laws to ride roughshod over the planning and green belt rules that we all have to abide by.

It means that illegal immigrants who commit crimes in Britain won’t be able to use questionable claims about their family life to block their deportation.

All of this might seem common sense. But in the field of human rights laws, common sense has seemed distinctly lacking in recent years.

Our plans don’t abandon the principles that underpin our democracy and our rule of law. They restore them, and in doing so I hope they will return the phrase Human Rights to what it really should be – a symbol of the fight against oppression and brutality wherever they are found around the world.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2778786/We-seize-power-Euro-judges-return-phrase-Human-Rights-really-symbol-fight-against-oppression-brutality.html#ixzz3F48ptX8b
基本上来说Chris Grayling的立场很明确,让ECtHR以后靠边站,想指手画脚唠叨可以,但英国可以选择不听你的唠叨,英国本土supreme court回归supreme本色具有最终裁决权。如果ECtHR不干,那么英国宁可退出ECHR。
至于说到long residence,这个只是ECHR在移民法上的一个小体现而已,目前还没有迹象表明达到引起公众关注的程度,再说HO在各个route都不断收紧政策严格批准,短期内无论申请人数还是政策有效性估计都不会有突然性的变化(个人意见而已)。





John版大 一出! 誰與爭鋒!新聞上也說了應該主要是針對那些犯罪的
我又想那些偷渡的呢= =

汗,我不要做帖子杀手啊 :cn06:
一般性非法移民的话,已经有新的immigration act 2014了,就是慢慢把社会环境变得越来越不适合非法移民,因为各种原因不能一竹竿一下子扫落一船人,所以就用釜底抽薪老办法,从房东雇主税务交通等多个生活方面同时下手,没了土壤水源植物就没得生长的道理。
明年春天前的最大改革就是取消绝大多数移民申请案件的上诉权,改为短平快最主要是省钱的administrative review,通不过就先递解出境再说上诉的事儿,具体内容等官方文件吧。


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