如题, 我要买的房子里面有这么一段话
(A) That all division walls and fences between the property hereby conveyed and any adjoining property now or formerly belonging to vendors other than those marked with a T on the said plan shall be maintained by the Purchaser as party wall and fences.
Note: The eastern and western boundaries of the land in this title are marked T.
这话不是说南北的花园围墙是我负责维护,东西我不用负责吗? 我那律师居然告诉我东西是我负责维护,南北是和两隔壁共同负责维护。这个律师英语是体育老师教的吗?还是我这二十年英语白学了? 无语啊。。求英语qualified conveyancer 给些见解。。谢了