
哪个?哪个下午刚被ho抢走life in the uk考试费50镑的孩子吗?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
再帅也和我无关,我是一straight bloke :L
给上面要pay raise的pm似乎石沉大海了,当头儿的似乎都度假去了,虚拟社会怎么也和现实社会一样啊。。。。。:L

对 就是那个英国雪童鞋
人家点名表扬你 你也出现一下嘛 以示鼓励 哈哈哈
算了吧 夏天要到了 此时不度假 更待何时捏。。{:5_142:}
还有 苹果的水呀 不比现实世界的浅呢{:5_141:}


property本身不可以作为资金证明,ho要看到的是进入申请人单方或双方腰包的现金流,所以想要拿房产做文章的话,可以考虑把此房产出租出去,这样每个月都可以有rent income,但要求此项收入为前12个月的(因为工资按年算,房租收入也要按年算),并且此房产不可以作为申请人的主要住处(income from a lodger in that residence cannot be counted)。
如果sponsor要是self-employed,那对于房产收入就更严,房租收入不可以是main income,而且明确说了 The equity in a property cannot be used to meet the financial requirement.



应该不可以吧,ho要看到的是不打折扣的cash value,这方面的要求在pbs下都是一样的,没记错的话,股票账户是不可以用来作为存款证明给学生签证用的。

不是学生签,是我老婆的spouse visa



Theresa May ‘planning changes to immigrant test’
The paper says immigrants will also have to learn the first verse of the national anthem before they can become UK citizens.

Mrs May is understood to have scrapped sections of the test which dealt with claiming benefits and the Human Rights Act. (注:of course she has :L

Instead potential immigrants will be expected to learn about Byron, the Duke of Wellington, Shakespeare and other historical and cultural figures.

The new handbook, expected to be issued in the autumn, will include sections about key battles, such as Trafalgar, and British inventions and discoveries.

结论:不清楚什么具体时候改 life in the uk,但还没有考又不想记忆新日期数字的申请人,建议还是去考还没有改革的考试吧(趁考试费没涨价之前)。。。:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

lz,如果被dependent的人是英国pr或国籍,但是在国内上班,年薪过18k,这样配偶可以申请dependent visa吗?

首先请弄清spouse visa和dependent visa的区别,把这个帖子翻翻,重复无数回了。。:cn06:

其次,spouse visa的目的是和sponsor本人在英国本土生活定居(否则ls的话,本人有中国国籍,申请spouse visa无论是自己到uk来或者拿着uk spouse visa却不回来工作生活都不合情理),因为申请spouse visa就表示要回到uk定居生活,就是说returning uk是大前提,在国外工作生活稳定的国民是不需要uk政府花钱的,所以这次的新政策上看得出来ho并不鼓励那些人回来。ho对returning sponsor实际上要求分为两部分,一是过去6-12个月的收入要达标,二是回到本土要有3个月内就开始工作的正式offer,否则没有offer就要用存款补齐,那就是之前提到过的六个月 62.5k


page 19 i and j
page 54-55 Sponsor returning to the UK with the applicant

最直接的example 原文如下
10. Alan
Alan has been working in Thailand for 1 year but has only been with his current employer for 3 months, earning a salary of £17,500 a year; Alan’s total earnings from all employment over the last year are £16,000. Alan also has savings of £17,000 and has income from investments of £600 a year. He has a job offer in the UK paying £16,500 a year.
As Alan has not been with his current employer for 6 months or more he cannot use his salary of £17,500 to meet the threshold. Instead he must use his total employment earnings over the last 12 months, which are £16,000, plus income from investments of £600, giving a total income of £16,600. Alan cannot use his savings retrospectively to offset his shortfall in income over the last year and so he will not meet the financial requirement.
Even if Alan had earned more over the last year and met the requirement overseas, he would also have to meet it on his return to the UK. His savings could, in that case, be used to offset the shortfall. However, his total income will be £16,500 + £600 = £17,100, which would require savings of £19,750 to meet the financial requirement. As he his savings are £17,000, Alan would still fail the requirement.

补充一下,而且Life in the UK 是长期有效的,大家都快考吧,考完一个是一个,以后就不用为改题而愁了!!!




入籍的时候,你要把这张纸交回HOME OFFICE. 所以你一定要收好,这个还不能给补办的呢


Life in the UK 复习要点
