



存款数=16k+(18,600-现有收入) x2.5



你理解基本上是对滴。 自己按公式算就好啦啦 16K+(18600-15000)×2.5 =25000 是税前收入!

这个前提是你自己本上没有收入的,如果你自己有收入,可以加在一起。否则就是25K 至少存半年。



那个一楼的ho链接里的文件看了有看,还是有些地方觉得没说清楚。那个啥现在已经知道已经拿到spouse visa,两年签证期限到期之前就可以申请永居了,不受新规定影响要等5年。至于两年以后申请永居的时候是否要按新规定里的18600收入规定来呢。如下原文。

A partner, child or adult dependent relative who has been granted, or who has applied for, leave to enter or remain in the UK on the family route (or a partner of a migrant with leave under the Points Based System) before 9 July 2012 will remain subject to the rules in force prior to that date. They will be able to reach settlement in the UK (including those granted or who have applied for leave as a fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner) if they qualify for it under the rules in force prior to 9 July 2012, subject to the requirement from October 2013 to pass the Life in the UK test and to present an English language speaking and listening qualification at B1 level or above to qualify for settlement.

红字部分,我的理解这个financial requirement也按旧的走吧,不知道对不。


我到现在还没有看见,对于工资单要求到底几个月的?楼太高了,我眼也太瞎了。不知道这种办 法可行不,我老公是自雇,用的是有限工资的形式,然后他给我开工资单筹够18600, 当然是要合法交税的,这样可行不?主要是考虑到如果用老公的工资来作为担保的话,是不是对自雇的要求就更多了?


9 July 2012 you were granted entry clearance, leave to enter or leave to remain as a spouse, civil partner, unmarried or same sex partner of a British or settled person, or you have applied for this and are awaiting a decision.
The immigration rules in force before 9 July 2012 will still apply to you from 9 July 2012 until settlement, if you qualify for it. This includes the existing maintenance requirement and a two year probationary period to settlement. From October 2013 you will need to pass the Life in the UK test and a B1 level English speaking and listening qualification to qualify for settlement.
These arrangements also apply to post-flight spouses and partners of refugees and persons granted humanitarian protection in the UK.

红字部分,我理解这个existing maintenance,是老规定中的financial要求,应该是现在已有spouse visa的,两年后申请pr应该也不受新规定中的18600限制,按老规定走。对吧?



They must be held in the sponsor and/or the applicant’s name, be under their control, and be held in a financial institution regulated by the appropriate regulatory body for the country in which that institution is operating.

The funds/savings must not be held in a financial institution on the list of excluded institutions under the rules of the Points Based System.

Funds or income in a foreign currency will be converted to pounds sterling (£) using the closing spot exchange rate which appears on www.oanda.com* on the date on which the application is made.

Where there is income in different foreign currencies, each will be converted into pounds sterling (£) before being added together, and then added to any UK earnings, to give a total amount.

想问下大家,中国银行资金证明信可以嘛? 我看见说可以是外国钱的。

这政策是不是只影响7月9日之后的spouse visa?

持5年工签,今年8,9月准备申请PR, 老公目前是dependent visa,在英国2年半,打算一起申请PR,请问新政策对该情况是否有影响?不需要存款吧?


5.3.2 Category B: salaried employment for less than the last 6 months
Under Category B, the financial requirement must be evidenced in two parts.

不太明白着个CATEGORY B里面所提到的两点必须作到!

First, where the applicant’s partner and/or the applicant (if they are in the UK with permission to work) is in salaried employment at the date of application and has been with the same employer for less than the last 6 months, the applicant can count the gross annual salary at the date of application towards the financial requirement.

Second, the couple must in addition have received in the 12 months prior to the application the level of income required to meet the financial requirement applicable to it,


官方要求很清楚了,先要进入dependent,然后dependent满2年后可以跟sponsor一起申请ilr,但sponsor申请ilr时dependent要是不够2年,那就应该转spouse visa(注意新的收入要求),如果在今年7月9号前已经进入dependent,那就可以等dependent visa和spouse visa的总和够2年时用set m申请ilr

那就是从我第一天拿到dependent visa的那一天起往后两年(包括中间他变成永居我转成spouse visa的时间)我才能申请永居,而不是他申请的同时就可以递交我的?即使我在他申请永居前已经dependent他了。

要是那样可以的话,某人今天和一个t1 g结婚,第二天t1 g满5年申请ilr,此人要是能2天得到ilr的话,让那些之前嫁人等2年的情何以堪呐。。。。{:5_147:}

您的意思是说,就算俩人收入不满18600,一样可以申请,但是会吧spouse visa 的申请人往10年的route上赶?也就是说等到十年了申请10年永居?但是主申请人的申请不会影响吧?

请问,我现在在英国已经呆了5年了,都是以学生身份,还接着读pre-master 和master,剩下的两年半申请工作签,然后满了10年可否申请永居呢,会不会过几年这个政策会变呢??



如今的学生签证申请中要审查过去所有历史,对degre level有年数限制,建议先看看ukba的官方所有相关链接看看是否能满足条件,此外工签申请门槛也会每年提高,long residence未来虽然不太可能取消,但5年的事儿谁也说不准,法规会越变越严是共识,这中间一不小心就难免以后吃亏,所以做多手打算为妙。至于离境时间单次不超过180天,10年不超过540天。其余信息看ukba以及论坛搜索吧。

已经是dependent了,flr m申请spouse visa,也需要满足新的收入要求,得到spouse visa后,dependent visa+spouse visa够2年后,用set m 申请ilr,也需要再次满足对应的收入要求和语言,life in the uk要求。

你的意思是我还要转一次spouse visa,但只要dependant+spouse visa一共2年就可以申请PR了 不用转成spouse visa后再5年PR 是这个意思吗?你指的我在转PR的时候 资金要求也要18600 是这个意思吗?