

Changes relating to Commonwealth Games visitors

Changes to visitor routes
• 一般访问签证(包括旅游,访亲)和商务访问签证将允许在访问期间参加不超过30天的短期课程。除了一些旅游文化体验课程外(骑术,陶瓷制作),其他包括英语或其他课程都必须是在Tier 4 Sponsor的学校。

• 学生访问签证Student Visitor增加了海外本科以上含有不超过6个月的短期英国进修的可能。

• 预备生签证Prospective students 取消。

• 增加了商务访问签证可以进行的商务访问类型。

Changes relating to Tier 1 of the Points-Based System
Tier 1 (Exceptional Talent) – 基本跟小伙伴们关系不大的类型
• Changes are being made to reflect changes in the Arts Council’s criteria for endorsing applicants in the arts. In particular, the Arts Council has added criteria for endorsing applicants with exceptional promise.
• A minor change is being made to the requirements for supporting letters in the criteria used by other Designated Competent Bodies, at those Bodies’ request.
• 针对克罗地亚加入欧盟的高端人才名额的调整

Tier 1 (General) category: – 旧的高技术移民的一些调整,还没申到永居的小伙伴留意!
• A “genuine earnings” test 增加了Tier 1 (General)续签的收入真实性检测,特别针对自雇收入。

• 增加旧的工签,转Tier 2 (ICT)再转Tier 1 (General)的申请人可以累加所有3种签证的时间计算5年永居的时间。

Tier 1 (Entrepreneur):
• 真实性测试一些小的修改,合所有签证类型的真实性测试看齐,明确如果有其他拒签理由的话不强制移民官使用真实性测试。

• 明确投资资金和生活保障金不能混用。(投资金和生活费不能混着存)

• 明确组队资金最多只能人组队使用。(一笔资金用过支持一组人后,不能再用给别人,做第三方资金担保生意的人要注意了!)

• 如果足够证明申请人和所要投资的公司之间的关系,第三方资金可以直接明确给予所要投资的公司。(方便明确非申请人的投资者和申请人或公司间的法律关系)

• 还有一些细小的更正。

Changes relating to Tier 2 of the Points-Based System
• ICT续签不再需要英文成绩
• Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) 境内转Tier 2享受和应届毕业生及PSW同等的免广告期,入门级工资的要求 (毕业生企业家彻底变成PSW的变相替代,不过名额有限,小伙伴要先来先得哦!)
• 高收入工签职位(150,200英镑以上)的不再受持股比例限制。
• 工资时薪工时计算方法调整。
• 增加神职人员类型的真实性测验。
• 申请永居时雇主必须还有有效的担保牌照
• NHS的工作不需在Job Centre打广告的优惠延续到14年4月6号
• 一些小的修正

Changes relating to Tier 4 of the Points-Based System – 学生签的重要了!
• 6月开始的入境申请面试将延伸到境内续签申请,执行细则未公布,暂时认为是和Tier 1一样的根据学生背景抽取面试。

• 增加 the South London Local Education and Training Board 到“UK recognised body” 可以给学牙科的实习生发CAS。

• 低风险国家更新,增加Barbados,去除克罗地亚(加入欧盟了)。

Changes relating to Tier 5 of the Points-Based System
• 增加了Tier 5的真实性测试

• 在政府批准交换项目下允许应届毕业学生签在英国境内转换12个月的实习签证的项目,主要针对英国大公司机构,名单在Home Office网站上可找到http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/policyandlaw/immigrationlaw/immigrationrules/appendixn/

• 香港加入青年交换项目名单,澳大利亚每年名额增加。

• 增加ulster大学孔子学院汉语教师项目

Cross-cutting changes relating to all Tiers of the Points-Based System - 积分制通用更正
• 所有银行流水单都可以用Online的加上银行的证明信或是每页加盖公章。

• 非原件工资单只需要雇主证明信就可以。

• Tier 2 (Sportsperson) and Tier 5 (Temporary Worker – Creative and Sporting) categories 增加三个 approved governing bodies – Netball Scotland, British Wheelchair Basketball and The British Wheel of Yoga.

• 一些法条文字修正

Changes relating to dependants in the Points-Based System and other work routes – 陪伴签证(配偶或父母在英国持有时限签证的类型)
• 非illegal entrant, visitor, temporary admission or temporary release的签证类型在英国境内可以转换成为Point Base下的主申请人的Dependent。

• Dependent签证还是不能在英国境内转换成为任何签证的主申请人。

• 一些法条文字的修正

Changes relating to family life – (配偶或父母在英国是英籍或永居的签证)
• 把所有UKBA的地方改为Home Office

• 放松申请材料的严格标准,只要还能证明满足相关条件。

• 存款允许使用投资账户的资金,不局限于现金账户。

• 可用个月内卖房所得作为收入所得

• 清晰建筑合同工的收入算法,按固定薪水收入计算。

• 清晰固定薪水或非固定薪水的收入计算方法。

• 允许海外英籍人士回英国个月内开始非固定薪水工作,目标薪水收入需达到收入标准。

Changes relating to the extension of provision in the Immigration Rules for curtailment

Changes relating to Knowledge of Language and Life in the UK – 10月28日实施

  • 正式执行新的永居对于英语水平和英国知识的政策,必须通过Life in UK Test和达到听说英语B1水平。可接受英语证书参考已有的认证英语证书名录,英语国家国民或取得主要英语国家本科以上学位,或是NARIC认证的英语教学的本科以上学位课免英语证书。

  • 65岁以上或是有学习障碍的残障人士可继续豁免,英国Family路径下持签证超过15年还不能达到B1的可降低标准到A2。

Changes relating to English language requirements

  • Tier 4积分制下如果已经满足英语要求,再续签时可自动满足英语B1或B2要求,增加灵活性。
  • 整理认证的英语证书名录

Introduction of new rules for settlement protection

Changes relating to translations of specified documents


lz辛苦了! 请教一下,对于老的work permit申请永居有没有什么调整呢? 马上就要去面签了。




  1. To apply in the UK you must also either:
    • have previously held leave as the dependant of the Tier 4 (General) applicant, or in the case of children of the Tier 4 (General) applicant’s dependant partner, in this, or in another immigration category; or
    • be a child born in the UK to a PBS migrant and their dependant partner. The child must have been born in the UK to a PBS Migrant and their dependant partner and either:

new policy上page 7

Additional evidential requirement for dependants of PBS migrants whose last grant of leave was not in this capacity.
36. If you are applying as a family member of a PBS migrant and your last grant of leave was not as their dependant or you are a child born in the UK, you will need to provide the following documents:
marriage or civil partnership certificates
bank statements in joint names
Council tax/utility bills in joint names

那么如果可以申请 该使用什么form呢?

Changes relating to dependants in the Points-Based System and other work routes
7.21 The judgment of the High Court in R (on the application of Zhang) v Secretary of
State for the Home Department related to the ability of migrants in the UK in other
immigration categories to switch into the status of a Points-Based System dependant. The
judgment did not strike down the existing Rule but set a legal precedent which it predicted
would cause difficulties in enforcing the Rule in future.
7.22 The present requirement (that only those who entered the UK as dependants can apply
in-country as dependants) is therefore being amended to bring it more in line with the
changes to the Rules for family members of British citizens and settled persons set out in HC
194 (laid before Parliament on 13 June 2012). The changes will mean that applicants can
apply in-country as a dependant, providing they are not an illegal entrant, or were last granted
as a visitor, temporary admission or temporary release. This also entails adding a definition
of “visitor” to the Immigration Rules.


关于申请永居需要的B1英语考试,我记得好像是10月28日以后开始执行吧? LZ的帖子里没有提,会造成是今天开始执行的误解,相信这对一些申请者还是有关系的,LZ查实下吧

Thanks LZ and apologise that I can not type Chinese from my office machine.
My questions is on

‘Tier 1 (General) category: – 旧的高技术移民的一些调整,还没申到永居的小伙伴留意!
• A “genuine earnings” test 增加了Tier 1 (General)续签的收入真实性检测,特别针对自雇收入。’

Will this only affect Tier General extension or the new rule will apply to Tier 1 General ILR as wiell?

Many thanks for any feedback!



楼主是否知道如果英籍身份帮学生身份的老公申请spouse visa
因为目前都是学生身份 即将毕业


因为我看了home office的材料


帐户有60多万人民币的存款就可以 需要存至少6个月


Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) 境内转Tier 2享受和应届毕业生及PSW同等的免广告期,入门级工资的要求 (毕业生企业家彻底变成PSW的变相替代,不过名额有限,小伙伴要先来先得哦!)


Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur)是比较新的路线,尽管可以像psw一样工作,但对于大多数人来说,是井中望月拿不到的,因为能申请到这个的都需要所在higher education institution给予对应的endorsement,每年总共2000名额(从前似乎是每年1000吧),其中一半是给mba graduate的。

所以对于多数人来说要不就是t4转t2 g(ukba上有详细说明),要不就是t4转t1 e,转t1 e的好处是,在t1 e上的时间可以计入t2 g的5年,所以有一些人是拿着t1 e找工作(当然前提是对方给工签)。

谢谢分享, 很详细

真好 很方便

johhn大或者lz能不能解释一下:对于老的work permit申请永居有没有什么调整呢? 马上就要去面签了。我在网上应该是没有看到相关的调整。
