重要提醒:2020年1月31日发布 在英华人不必因为签证到期原因必须回国

重要提醒:拉塔先生-英国移民律师刚收到英国官方邮件:所有签证快到期的,且本人还在英国的小伙伴们,现在不必因为签证到期原因必须回国,由于疫情严重,Home Office可以允许在英国的华人合法继续留在英国。具体详情请立刻咨询拉塔事务所专业移民律师!邮件如下:

ILPA Members
Coronavirus Communication (31 January 2020)
Dear Members
UKVI are preparing some short term interim guidance on the implications for immigration of the Coronavirus outbreak. The aim is to issue the guidance by the end of next week (7/2/20). Any members with Chinese clients whose leave runs out today (31/1/20) and cannot return to China because of the Coronavirus do not need to take any action and should wait for the interim guidance to be published.
Members will be aware that all the VACs and Test Centres in China are currently closed.
UKVI are working on the following scenarios:

  1. People in the UK whose leave is expiring but they cannot return to China due to the Coronavirus.
  2. Sponsors with people who are still in China and cannot return to the UK. The guidance will also look to reassure sponsors of the pragmatic approach that will be taken by UKVI in the current circumstances.
  3. For other countries where travel bans apply can individuals exceptionally apply to the UK from those countries.
  4. Given that all the VACs are closed in China how will “in-flight” applications be dealt with.
    UKVI would be very grateful for feedback from members on whether there are any other scenarios that they should consider covering in the interim guidance. They are keen to ensure that the guidance that is issued covers all the possible scenarios at this point. At this stage all the guidance is being prepared as short term interim measures. Should that position change than UKVI will be in touch again.
    If you have any feedback for UKVI at this point please email [email protected]

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good news




+1 英国应该算是对中国最好的西方国家了,华为的事顶住了美国的压力,也没有像美,澳等国那样突然禁止中国人。也是最早同意让国人延期回国的。希望近期来到英国的国人也注意自己做好隔离。




Any members with Chinese clients whose leave runs out today (31/1/20) and cannot return to China because of the Coronavirus do not need to take any action and should wait for the interim guidance to be published.

多谢多谢,看说是啥也不用做,就有点心虚 {:5_134:} 。这个是对所有的中国人吧?不一定只是ILPA的顾客吧?



还没有消息?我父母周日飞机,天津航空,从希斯罗至天津。 打电话说还没有政策,只要飞机没有取消,那就到期就得走。。。。。担心父母在飞机和火车上啊。



我妈星期六的机票 {:5_145:}


怎么到现在都还没有消息啊 急死了 {:5_129:}
