新的2020 年buy to let 的税收政策

想买套房子 buy to let,现在计划中。 看到新闻说到2020 年 每月房贷利息部分将不能在收入中得到减免。
Anger among Britain’s two million buy-to-let investors is growing as more of them understand how they are about to be penalised by tax changes currently passing through Parliament.
The complex new arrangements, announced in the summer Budget, will hit only private landlords with mortgages. Companies and cash-rich landlords with no mortgages are left unscathed.

The key behind the tax change is the removal of landlords’ ability to deduct mortgage interest from their rental income. This means that although they have to pay interest to their lender, they are taxed as if that cost didn’t exist. This gives rise to the perverse outcome that some will pay tax even when they make a loss.

看这个消息 好犹豫呀。。将来是没发活了。。。。


这有个计算器,Earnings and other non-savings income 填工资。


如果cash buy的话可能公司好操作。


company借BTL mortgage的话利率很高的,要5%左右

谢谢指教 我老婆没工作 可否把把租金当做她的收入 这样就可以少缴税了?