【更新.下周面试!】20W T1E企业家签证上周递资料,等面试,开户散银求人品



现在揣揣不安的等待面试通知。专业和事业严重不符,到时估计要被拷问烂了{:5_145:} {:5_145:}

貌似国内的速度快一些?确定国内都要飞到北京去么尼玛{:5_133:} ?南蛮表示压力很大…

Anyway,苹果上的友人有什么想问的大家可以一起探讨,银子就这么点发完就一身轻了。几位已经成功拿到20W T1E的大神貌似已经处于半隐退状态{:5_137:} 祝他们顺利。

【更新:整整三个星期过后,接到了电话通知两个人去北京面试,资料不缺,人品自备。北京嘉里大厦21层,14th Oct 2013 下午一点】


最近也想申请这个20W T1E的移民签证,还在筹备中,LZ有什么经验可以分享下嘛? 比如雅思成绩是必须的嘛?

用英国大学的毕业证来代表英语能力就行,不用毕业证的…经验谈不上,business plan+各种资金证明这两个最重要




楼主, 本人脑袋被门夹过也可以申请这个签证么?




20W哦, 祝福一下楼主了

[quote=“sexypig2006gd, post: 7, topic: 1282745”]
sexypig2006gd 发表于 2013-9-27 04:01
需要来源证明的,父母的工资单或者分红什么的,但是其实很好办。你可以让你朋友直接咨询我,不收取任何费 …[/quote]



(1)A person who provides immigration advice or immigration services in contravention of section 84 or of a restraining order is guilty of an offence and liable—
(a)on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or to a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum, or to both; or
(b)on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years or to a fine, or to both.

84 Provision of immigration services.

(1)No person may provide immigration advice or immigration services unless he is a qualified person.
(2)A person is a qualified person if—
(a)he is registered with the Commissioner or is employed by, or works under the supervision of, such a person;
(b)he is a member or employee of a body which is a registered person, or works under the supervision of such a member or employee;
(c)he is authorised by a designated professional body to practise as a member of the profession whose members are regulated by that body, or works under the supervision of such a person;
(d)he is registered with, or authorised by, a person in another EEA State responsible for regulating the provision in that EEA State of advice or services corresponding to immigration advice or immigration services or would be required to be so registered or authorised were he not exempt from such a requirement;
(e)he is authorised by a body regulating the legal profession, or any branch of it, in another EEA State to practise as a member of that profession or branch; or
(f)he is employed by a person who falls within paragraph (d) or (e) or works under the supervision of such a person or of an employee of such a person.

“immigration advice” means advice which—
(a)relates to a particular individual;
(b)is given in connection with one or more relevant matters;
(c)is given by a person who knows that he is giving it in relation to a particular individual and in connection with one or more relevant matters; and
(d)is not given in connection with representing an individual before a court in criminal proceedings or matters ancillary to criminal proceedings;
“immigration services” means the making of representations on behalf of a particular individual—
(a)in civil proceedings before a court, tribunal or adjudicator in the United Kingdom, or
(b)in correspondence with a Minister of the Crown or government department,
in connection with one or more relevant matters;


{:5_145:} {:5_145:} {:5_145:} 多谢大哥指点!我收声!


good luck !

下周俺交材料 准备的挺齐全 希望英国佬不要对我下毒手。。。。。。。

LZ三周后通知面试呀,希望我也是这个时间。 一样国内的 。。。握个手!

