求助!不满26周岁 Tier2 续签 工资要求


在2015新出的“code of practice for skill workers” 里说new entrents apply to applications who are aged 25 or under on the date they apply.

我生日是1989年10月 那么是否在今年10月以前 我还是作为aged 25 的application?

这样的话我是否还能继续以new entrents的工资标准续签我的tier 2 general visa? (在生日以前申请,并且两次申请的total stay低于3年一个月)

谢谢各位的解答 感激不尽



ho算你年龄是在你递交申请成功的当天算起,date of application时你未满26岁就可以,哪怕是25岁364天

各位恐怕理解错了,续签tier2必然得有experienced worker的工资要求。可以去看最新的code of practice :

The pay thresholds for experienced workers are set at the 25th percentile for full-time employees in each occupation, using the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE), except where otherwise stated. These pay thresholds apply to all other Tier 2 applicants. They also apply to all applicants seeking Tier 2 leave for more than 3 years and 1 month, including those who were classed as new entrants in an earlier application.
